Disturbing Website

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That music is hilarious. My favorite “hellbound of the month” is John Travolta. :dancing:
yeh, I find that amazing that they are pointing out specific people that are going to hell.
jeffreedy789 said:
‘but not this uneducated, stubborn, disgusting, petulant, arrogant, foul, proud, foolish, vehement, despicable, stupid, spewing fountain of cluelessness.’

you might use the word ‘philistine’ to sum up that list. 😉

great word, philistine…

don’t get me wrong, i loved the list - very entertaining.

but philistine is so succinct.

philistine is a good word.
I was surfing the net earlier and came across this website that says catholics will go to hell… It says the bible teaches that Jesus’s suffering and death satisfied the sins of mankind in God’s eyes, and that the catholic church teaches otherwise, which will send catholics to hell for missinterpretting the scriptures.

All sins are forgiven at the point of salvation-past, present, and future-because Christ’s death satisfied all God’s wrath against sin. (See Colossians 2:13.)

Is that really written in the bible and if it is why does the catholic church teach otherwise?

I don’t know why this is bugging me so much, but I have been having doubts lately and any mention of hell sends chills up my spine.
Well, really, we are OK then. If misinterpreting Scripture IS a sin, then it is included within ALL sins that are forgiven-- past, present, and future-- seeing as how Jesus’ sacrifice satisfied God’s wrath against all sin according to the nut case on this website. If it’s NOT a sin, then there is nothing to forgive.

This guy’s own theology disproves his premise.

However, the bible says no such thing.
I especially liked the “whoremongers click here” link. This site is hysterical…only wish I could have gotten the music to play. Hard to believe anyone would invest so much time and effort in such a ridiculous endeavour.
Hmmmm :hmmm:
Protestants maintain that God has spoken in the 39 books of the Old Testament and** 27 books of the New Testament, **
“Protestants maintain?” When and where did they meet, or under what authority did “they” maintain this? Is this somewhere written in scripture that mentions “39 books”?
only these books are divinely authoritative.
How many books in the bible claim they are “divinely authoritative”?
and 27 books of the New Testament, and thus, only these books are divinely authoritative.
:ehh: Again, would sombody be so kind as to direct me to the book, chapter, verse that makes this claim? Please, please, please, I wanna know now?:whacky:
I especially liked the “whoremongers click here” link. This site is hysterical…only wish I could have gotten the music to play. Hard to believe anyone would invest so much time and effort in such a ridiculous endeavour.
Yeh, the links are pretty funny.
By far the best link is “Join the Anti-Hellbound Team!” You get to become a member of the Anti-Hellbound Task Force, known as S.A.H.F. Their motto: Play it S.A.H.F. And what does S.A.H.F. stand for you ask? Saints Against Hellbound Freaks.

And for all you people hating on his grammar, he answers that question:

You are stupid it’s “You’re” going to Hell not “Your”… you are dumb!..
**Response: I am pretty stupid but in this case “You’re” will not work with internic for our domain name… so “your” was accepted… as long as you get the message…
At least he admits he’s stupid…
That music is hilarious. My favorite “hellbound of the month” is John Travolta. :dancing:
John Travolta is going to hell??? Well, who would want to go to heaven if John Travolta is in hell.

I like the music they play on the website. Don’t they know that’s 60’s rock and roll? Maybe they’re (there, their) going to hell for playing rock and roll.

My personal favorite is “Homosexuals Click Here.” Maybe John Ankerberg is a closet homosexual and is looking for a date?

Anybody who finds this disturbing needs to get their nose in the Catechism of the Catholic Church right away.
**"**The Roman Catholic Church teaches that there are FIVE additional sources of Devine Authority.

:rotfl: :rotfl:
somebody please help me stop laughing! else i might not finish reading through the first page.

hmmm on second thought…
I’m on this website now and it’s playing the theme from Mission Impossible! This guy really thinks highly of himself.

I couldn’t help but notice Ted Turner is hellbound. Maybe this guy is a Braves fan and doesn’t like the fact they win the division every year but get beat in the playoffs.

I went to the site–it is ridiculous! Whoever made it really needs to learn how to spell. It was pretty sad how the main site says, “last stop hell” and “God always gets the glory.” :hmmm:
I don’t know why this is bugging me so much, but I have been having doubts lately and any mention of hell sends chills up my spine.
It should!
this website that says catholics will go to hell

All sins are forgiven at the point of salvation-past, present, and future-because Christ’s death satisfied all God’s wrath against sin. (See Colossians 2:13.)
First, why do you believe what is on some website? Secondly, the statement is false, that is not what Col 2:13 says.
Also, you cannot base your faith on one verse of Scripture. You have to take it all together. Jesus was asked what someone must do to be saved and He, Himself answered, “Keep the commandments”, and “Not everyone who cries Lord, Lord will be saved. But He who does the will of My Father in Heaven”. When Jesus Himself says that you will be judged according to what you have done, I think you’d better believe it.

May the peace of Christ be with you.
I’m starting to feel bad about the mean things I said about this site yesterday. There is no “about us” or “about me” section on the site – and I am feeling that it was created by a very young person, perhaps as young as 11 or 12, but no older than 16. This would account for the typical grammar misusage, the misspellings, and the lack of knowledge about some of the music that has been selected for the site soundtrack.
Cherub, if a 12 year old had the technical knowledge to create a site like that. . .and the poor grammar and misspellings are the LEAST of the problems. . .s/he needs far more from us than a “tut-tut” or even snickering about the “external” egregious errors. A person who is so filled with hatred and bigotry about the Catholic Church to create such a site–intentionally or unintentionally humorous though it may be to some–needs to know that such hatred crosses the boundary of civilized behavior. Crooning a “there, there, I’m sorry if my (correct) comments regarding your grammar offended you” only further inflates his/ her already over-inflated ego, and crystalizes in him/ her the thought that S/HE can be as nasty as s/he pleases yet DEMAND that s/he be treated with kid gloves. We’ve seen enough entitlement kings and queens, haven’t we?

I’m not saying to descend to the level of this person’s vindictiveness, but pointing out real errors is not being vindictive. So far, no one appears to be telling this person to go to hell or making comments that are blatantly unChristian.
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