Hello all,
Again, I can’t thank you enough for the additional perspective, which I know I needed. I am aware that I tend to borrow trouble and catastrophize, so I absolutely take it to heart when you say “STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT!!” Because you are almost certainly correct.
A few items just to pull together the threads of discussion:
–One thing I’ve been really surprised by is how many of you believe that my future kids (or just…kids) wouldn’t pick up on this inconsistency between what we believe as Catholics and what we allow family members to do in our home. (Tis_Bearself pointed it out best–there’s not a chance I’d let my friends sleep with their boyfriends/girlfriends/second or third spouses in the same bed in my house.) I say this because, as a child, my parents were very straightforward with us about the reality that marriage is for life, no exceptions, that annulments were not “Catholic divorce” and should be rare, and that if you are validly married (whether Catholic or not) and get divorced and remarried, that is adultery. This was just…part and parcel of my upbringing, even at a young age. A cousin of mine had two children out of wedlock, and we were, truthfully, sequestered to a certain extent for years because my parents didn’t want us to get the idea that what my cousin was doing was okay. So that’s just a little background on that.
–Book_Worm, you are totally correct that there is more to this issue than just who is sleeping where to me. I think the Church (via the strictures of Natural Law) is extremely clear that divorce under any but the most grave of circumstances is destructive, and remarriage without an annulment is ultimately adultery. I have had the awful opportunity to watch the havoc of this divorce of the person I love most in the world, up close and personal. My in-laws do need to get over themselves, and they need to realize that they are not in valid relationships, and that they are still married, and they need to put their family back together. What they decided to do was the absolute height of selfishness. That doesn’t make them bad people at all, but it does mean that one decision they made has caused massive widespread destruction across the lives of their children. That really makes me angry, and I work daily to remind myself that maybe I shouldn’t be such a judgmental cow about stuff, but man, it’s hard after you see your spouse weep because he has no home to go back to anymore.
But, again, thank you guys for just being really up front with your thoughts, even when I am surprised or disagree with them. You have all been really helpful in clarifying the issues here, and I am very grateful.