Do any CAF members who lean towards the Democrat party put any kind of pressure on the Party or on Democrat candidates to change their Pro-Choice (pro

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Just curious.

Do any of you who lean towards voting for Democrats put any kind of pressure on the Democrat party and/or on your Democrat candidates to change, renounce, or at least modify the Pro-Choice (i.e. pro-abortion) Party Platform?

Do you write letters or send personalized (not canned from an organization) emails?

Do you call them? Make appointments and meet with them in person?

Sign petitions?

Do you carry any kind of signs or wear buttons or clothing expressing your dismay with the Pro-Choice Democrat Party Platform?

If not, why not?

Do you believe the Pro-Choice Party Platform is OK for Catholics to support?

My motive–I can see why Christians lean towards what they think are the more compassionate social programs endorsed by the Democrat party, and I can understand family loyalty (“Dad would turn over in his grave if he knew I voted for a Republican!”).

But I cannot comprehend how any Christian could ever support a Party that has “Pro-Choice” in its Party Platform. However, if you are voting Democrat and actively working to get the Democrat party to change its Party Platform, that would make sense to me.
I’m a registered democrat, but lately I’ve become more of an independent. The first republican I ever voted for for president was Trump.

You are right, my family is 99% democrat and they’d be shocked if they knew I vote for Trump

Yes, I wish there was more pro life democrats but we seem to be a minority.
Do you or any of your friends do anything (letters, meetings, etc.) to try to persuade the Party to modify the Pro-Choice portion of the Party Platform?

Maybe I’m idealistic, but might it not be possible for a ground-swell of Catholic Democrats to perhaps turn the tide and somehow get the Democrat Party to drop the requirement for Democrat candidates to adopt the Pro-Choice Party Platform?

Aren’t there enough Catholic Democrats to be able to have some influence on their Party?

It would be wonderful and give everyone more choice in the ballot box… As I said, I would never vote Democrat, even though I grew up in a Democrat home. I would not be able to reconcile my vote with that horrible Pro-Choice Party Platform. But as long as the Democrat Party remains Pro-Choice, then the Republican Party can count on votes from people like me, and that means that the Republican Party can pretty much do as they please as long as they keep the Pro-Life Party Platform. That’s not a good situation.

I just wish that BOTH parties would stop creating Party Platforms that force their members and candidates to take certain stands on moral issues and often end up compromising their deeply-held religious beliefs. I wish that the Democratic Party would not blacklist its candidates who profess pro-life beliefs (but end up voting pro-choice because they know they will be blacklisted). And I wish the Republican Party would stop taking such uber-Constitutional stands on many of the moral issues. 😦
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I’ve always leaned a little to the left politically. I used to vote Democrat when I was in college. Every time I see a Democratic Party ad on Facebook I leave a long comment about how I am disgusted by what a joke they’ve become; Supporting abortion centers, transgender ideology, etc as opposed to their original mission to support the common man.
Support the little man? Is that really true?

I don’t think that can be supported from history.

Perhaps that’s one of the problems. People aren’t really knowledgeable about their political parties, and base a lot of their opinions and votes on the political ad campaigns. Maybe that’s why people don’t write or call their Party officials-because they believe that their Party is already pretty good and not in need of change.
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When I was an atheist I generally voted Democrat. When I returned to the Church a couple of years ago I reevaluated and determined that there was no way I could continue to support the party. The pro-choice platform itself was enough, but there are a bunch of other issues as well. I cannot support an organization that makes it a priority to support abortion.
Thanks for posting this link! It’s a good start.

I don’t think that Chairman Tom Perez ever took back his comments, but at least someone challenged him. Yay! And their arguments made sense–losing votes, losing a majority, losing the Presidency, 1/3 of all Democrats are pro-life–great arguments. I hope that they will stay the course and eventually we’ll see a moderation in the Pro-Choice Party Platform.
The way I see it, if Democrats have control, there will be uninhibited legal abortion, and government support of widespread abortion. If Conservative are in control, there might be a change to do something about it.
Aren’t there enough Catholic Democrats to be able to have some influence on their Party?

It would be wonderful and give everyone more choice in the ballot box… As I said, I would never vote Democrat, even though I grew up in a Democrat home. I would not be able to reconcile my vote with that horrible Pro-Choice Party Platform. But as long as the Democrat Party remains Pro-Choice, then the Republican Party can count on votes from people like me, and that means that the Republican Party can pretty much do as they please as long as they keep the Pro-Life Party Platform. That’s not a good situation.
I think the problem is that the Democrats have moved too far into the atheist/ agnostics realm.

Because of that, that I don’t think there is a lot Catholic Democrats can do to influence the party, esp when famous ones like Nancy P. are pro-abortion.

I honestly think the if pro-life Catholic Democrats all moved into the Republican Party, we could make the Republican Party more in line with Catholic teaching, if not totally in line.

It honestly wouldn’t take too much to convince Evangelicals to join our thought process on political issues. They are already close, but lack some of the brilliant minds like we have (Bishop Barron, Archbishop Chaput, etc).

But if we don’t act soon, the Republican Party will fall too far away from real Conservatives & the Religious Right, into the hands of the Libertarians - who do not represent Christian values at all.

I always feared that a Trump Presidency would grant Libertarians much more control in the Republican Party, and I fear that’s exactly what is happening.
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It’s not just abortion. It’s religious freedom. The Democrats have that problem too.
I’m a member.

It will be strategically beneficial to get more pro-life Democrats in office, although the DNC is doubling down on its abortion rights dogma.
It’s not just abortion. It’s religious freedom. The Democrats have that problem too.
True. Their view and mantra today is “Freedom of Worship” which is far different and much less free than Freedom of Religion
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You would think not voting for them would send a message but they doubled down and now many in leadership say there is no room for pro life in the liberal political ideology. I was listening to some liberal the other day talking about how to fix the democratic party and how they have to get rid of the eltism within the party. Then he pointed to RFK as a model. Nothing about how they should maybe start changing their platform to more pro life. Lol RFK would be deemed unfit by the current liberal ideolgy for having eleven kids. There would be no room in the democratic party for him.
No, I don’t write letters or go to meetings or try and persuade anyone. It’s hopeless, they won’t listen to us.

There are not enough Catholic democrats to really push the party into a pro life platform position.

I wish the republican party wouldn’t cater to rich people and do the bidding of corporations over people, but that won’t change either. I only voted for Trump (though I think he’s right about some things) because even as a democrat I think Hillary is incredibly corrupt. I voted for Obama twice.
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If there are any, I applaud you- your own party doesn’t seem to want to “own” you.
I like this idea. 🙂

It makes sense to abandon a party (Democrat) that has essentially told us all to go away, and join the viable alternative party (Republican) with the aim of tempering it so that it will be more in line with Catholic teaching.

It seems more realistic than trying to convince Democrats to moderate their Party Platform to welcome pro-life people and advocate for pro-life policies. That does seem rather impossible, doesn’t it? Although a year ago, it seemed impossible that the POTUS would meet with the dictator of North Korea, so maybe we should at least try a little longer to get the Democrat Party to give up the pro-choice platform.

I am a former Evangelical Protestant, and I agree that Evangelicals could be convinced to join with Catholics on political issues. I think that we are seeing more Catholics running for public office as Republicans rather than Democrats. And we definitely see more Evangelicals voting for these Catholics.

I recommend the book, Being the Body by Charles Colson (R.I.P.) Mr. Colson had a very brilliant mind that would have been comfortable with Bishop Barron and Archbishop Chaput, and you’ll see that when you read this book. It’s about the urgent need for Christians to become unified (Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox). Mr. Colson theorized that the rise of blatant sin (e.g., abortion) in the United States is being allowed by God in order to bring about the unification of Christians.

BTW, I personally think that many of Republican Party policies are already in line with Catholic teachings—I think we see problems when selfish, greedy people choose to attach themselves with the GOP in order to gain personal wealth and/or power.

I also think that no politician is immune from temptation to sin, and just as many Republicans as Democrats fall into sin, especially sin involving money and/or sex. So when it comes to personal sin, both parties are equal.
I agree. I wish we had more blue collar democrats. It’s all lawyers and wealthy businessmen now instead of regular people.
The Democrats have basically told the white working man that they really aren’t interested in courting them.

Trying to build a winning coalition with immigrants, blacks and other racial and religious minorities, LGBTQ folks, The nation’s demographics are changing, and being against life is just part of their brand.
Who are Democrats or Republicans other than caricatures at the moment? If you don’t meet the 5 or 7 item check list, you’re done. This is not meant to be a swipe at Republicans so much as it is the current main reality of our politics; Democrats have their own issues. But, we have a major party that was taken over by essentially a modern day P. T. Barnum. It spent year or more disowning him, now there’s barely a peep about falling out of line.

So, that’s a long way of saying I’m a bit fed up with single issue politics and I refuse to participate. It’s corrupting the nuances of political discord in this country. Gun vs Gun Control, Abortion vs Pro life, LGBT, etc. are topics used one way or another to either pander or are deeply intractable issues. These are really emotional side shows to the dull, but deeply important changes that are going on right now.
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