Just curious.
Do any of you who lean towards voting for Democrats put any kind of pressure on the Democrat party and/or on your Democrat candidates to change, renounce, or at least modify the Pro-Choice (i.e. pro-abortion) Party Platform?
Do you write letters or send personalized (not canned from an organization) emails?
Do you call them? Make appointments and meet with them in person?
Sign petitions?
Do you carry any kind of signs or wear buttons or clothing expressing your dismay with the Pro-Choice Democrat Party Platform?
If not, why not?
Do you believe the Pro-Choice Party Platform is OK for Catholics to support?
My motive–I can see why Christians lean towards what they think are the more compassionate social programs endorsed by the Democrat party, and I can understand family loyalty (“Dad would turn over in his grave if he knew I voted for a Republican!”).
But I cannot comprehend how any Christian could ever support a Party that has “Pro-Choice” in its Party Platform. However, if you are voting Democrat and actively working to get the Democrat party to change its Party Platform, that would make sense to me.
Do any of you who lean towards voting for Democrats put any kind of pressure on the Democrat party and/or on your Democrat candidates to change, renounce, or at least modify the Pro-Choice (i.e. pro-abortion) Party Platform?
Do you write letters or send personalized (not canned from an organization) emails?
Do you call them? Make appointments and meet with them in person?
Sign petitions?
Do you carry any kind of signs or wear buttons or clothing expressing your dismay with the Pro-Choice Democrat Party Platform?
If not, why not?
Do you believe the Pro-Choice Party Platform is OK for Catholics to support?
My motive–I can see why Christians lean towards what they think are the more compassionate social programs endorsed by the Democrat party, and I can understand family loyalty (“Dad would turn over in his grave if he knew I voted for a Republican!”).
But I cannot comprehend how any Christian could ever support a Party that has “Pro-Choice” in its Party Platform. However, if you are voting Democrat and actively working to get the Democrat party to change its Party Platform, that would make sense to me.