Do any CAF members who lean towards the Democrat party put any kind of pressure on the Party or on Democrat candidates to change their Pro-Choice (pro

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I’m a member.

It will be strategically beneficial to get more pro-life Democrats in office, although the DNC is doubling down on its abortion rights dogma.
I’m a former Democrat. There was a time when this strategy made sense. The Democrat party might have gone either way. Even after they chose that position, for awhile they tolerated prolife. So if an assemblyman was “solid” on most things, the party leaders would be ok with his personal position being prolife.

Now, there are only a few older politicians who are Dems and still prolife. As they retire the party tries to replace them with pro choice Dems.

That era when you might make a difference is over.
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You went through your answer without addressing the fourth amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…
That is the right that conflicts with the right to bear arms, and is the basis for Roe v Wade. It doesn’t bode well that you left it out!

When you start with what someone called “inane logic” that the individual can solve everything better than the government, you can justify any crime. Rather, we live in a society where competing rights need to be reconciled.
Of course the entire Constitution has to be considered when laws and policies are made. I referred to a few obvious places in the Constitution. We can’t pick and choose.

I agree that in the U.S., we have to balance individual rights with the good of the whole.

My husband and I briefly declared ourselves Libertarian, but after 9/11, we realized that this position is not good at all because it allows its members to disregard everyone else.

It’s not that the Republicans promote the rights of the individual over the whole, but that the Republican Party believes that a government program is not necessarily the best way to create a better society. Also, the Republicans advocate States’ Rights (hence the name “Republican”).

I would hasten to add that in the last few decades, many Republicans are very happy to ask the taxpayers to pay for more government programs.

But at this point, the Republican Party platform still advocates a pro-life, anti-abortion stance, and thus, unless we are in favor of legalized abortion, we don’t need to try to put pressure on them to change their evil ways.

But the Democrat Party has a Party Platform that clearly and coldly advocates “reproductive choice” (abortion), and therefore, those Catholics and other Christians who declare themselves Democrat should, in my opinion, be constantly writing, calling, meeting with, and joining protests to get the Democrat Party to remove this odious and evil part of their Party Platform.
Some battles are worth fighting. If the party were sort of proabortion, or leaning that way, by all means stay in and fight. But we only have a limited amount of time. If a party is so fanatic about an issue as they are, better to leave and invest your energy some where you might make a difference.
Nothing substantive then… which is fine… for snowflakes
You can call the peoples of the American Heartland , Flyover Country “snowflakes” if you like, for appreciating respect.

I guess its better that being called “the basket of deplorables clinging to their bibles and guns” as other politicians referred to them as, or being called “pos” as the FBI agents in Washington DC refer to them as.

“snowflake” is actually pretty mild.
The problem is that Catholics tend to be in reactive position. We look at the existing party platforms, and/or the media, and respond. In my diocese the diocesan newspaper tends to respond heavily to the same issues promoted by the daily newspaper.

What we need to do is affirm Catholic Social Teaching. This is NOT the Peace and Justice movement that gets pushed, which is essentially the media priorities, with a little religious language added. Most people who push the Peace and Justice movement make a brief reference to Pope Leo XIII, but have not really read Rerum Novarum, nor his other encyclicals which are very different from what usually gets promoted as Catholic teaching.

Consider reading G. K. Chesterton or Hillair Belloc on Catholic Social Teaching. The Church needs to affirm its own heritage in the public square. I do not think any amount of pressure by a few members can get the Democratic Party today to reverse their direction; they not only oppose Catholic Social Teaching on abortion but many other things.
I’ve tried. The fact that I’m a practicing Catholic makes people undergo heart palpitations. Being pro-life naturally leads to “left” positions on economics, but only because of “right” social positions. So, I support the American Solidarity Party. That’s really the only solid Catholic option.
You can call the peoples of the American Heartland , Flyover Country “snowflakes” if you like, for appreciating respect.

I guess its better that being called “the basket of deplorables clinging to their bibles and guns” as other politicians referred to them as, or being called “pos” as the FBI agents in Washington DC refer to them as.

“snowflake” is actually pretty mild.
My comment was tongue in cheek. Appreciating respect is fine and good. Nevermind that the lefties were insulted and called names for pushing issues of respect to the fore… Politics is nasty business

However, my believe and expectation for this administration (as a Heartlander myself) was that it is that actual tangible results were going to be the measure; not good feelings.
However, my believe and expectation for this administration (as a Heartlander myself) was that it is that actual tangible results were going to be the measure; not good feelings
America has had some good results under President Trump so far. Record lows in unemployment, record highs on the stock market, 1st President to address the March for Life, peace breaking out around the world.

On the issue of “results”, Trump is doing fine
America has had some good results under President Trump so far. Record lows in unemployment, record highs on the stock market, 1st President to address the March for Life, peace breaking out around the world.

On the issue of “results”, Trump is doing fine
Throught we were talking about benefits to the working man in America in towns like Youngstown and Erie? Must have missed something…

In those other things… probably too early to attribute any results to the policies of this admin, but i’m hopeful…

but peace breaking out all over the world seems a little disconnected, but you’re likely taking a page from Mr Trump’s playbook… extreme exaggeration to try and make a point.
Throught we were talking about benefits to the working man in America in towns like Youngstown and Erie? Must have missed something…
Unemployment is down nationwide, the stock markets are up- that helps communities like Erie and Youngstown although not exclusively.
Unemployment is only down if you use what Trump called phony numbers. Now that he is in office, those numbers under Obama suddenly are evidence of how good a president Trump is. Talk about fake news!

But that is Trump’s problem. He says enough silly things that people do not stay focussed on the real issues. The gun rights and abortion rights issues will only be settled when we address the right of people to be secure in their persons.

If the life of a child is so precious that any woman can be constrained to serve that right for between 9 months to 20 years, then the lives of children are precious enough that no one should be allowed to own a gun that might kill one. At that, the penalty of lacking a gun is nowhere near as burdensome as the burden placed on mothers.
Unemployment is down nationwide, the stock markets are up- that helps communities like Erie and Youngstown although not exclusively.
That’s too narrow a view… gas prices are way up, interest rates are up, job growth is down, debt is up do to tax cuts… I don’t believe the data, the facts support an improvement for the working man
We should all pray for prolife Democrats, a persecuted minority if there ever was one.
Prolife Dems are under the greatest persecution by the party leadership. Not allowed to speak at meetings or conventions. Not allowed links on party websites. Do some web searching.
Prolife Dems are under the greatest persecution by the party leadership. Not allowed to speak at meetings or conventions. Not allowed links on party websites. Do some web searching.
You can say the same things about pro-2nd Amendment Democrats and pro-family Democrats as well. They can’t link American Family Association or NRA links either, and they aren’t allowed to speak.

Its not “persecution” as they can find other outlets for their speech.
America has had some good results under President Trump so far. Record lows in unemployment, record highs on the stock market,
Umm…he inherited the (or close the) longest stock market run on record that (sadly) started in 2008 under Obama. Job growth was similar and as someone else pointed out he ranted about how unemployment was calculated and now revels in them.
I would like to see this thread stay on-topic if possible. I’m not one of the CAF members who gets all fussy when threads meander. I’m the kind of woman who, when talking with my friends, covers all topics from religion, cooking, ghosts, pets, work, being too fat, my favorite actors, etc. all within a ten-minute time. Drives my husband nuts!

But I really don’t want to see people deflect my question onto Pres. Trump and their perception of his shortcomings. Personally, I think that if Secy. Clinton had been elected, we would have even MORE threads about her many shortcomings!

My question is for the Democrats or those who vote primarily for Democrat candidates–do you put any pressure on the Democrat Party to moderate the immoral–please don’t make excuses–and repugnant pro-choice Party Platform statement.

Let me ask you a question–if you were joining a group, let’s say a sporting group of some kind, perhaps running or pilates, etc. Before you joined the group, you were required to sign an agreement, which often happens because the group wants to make sure its members are in agreement with their guiding principles. And let’s say that one statement in the agreement made it clear that people with more than 20% body fat are not truly human and therefore will not be admitted into the group.

Would you sign? Would you even consider joining such a group? Would you even have anything to do with a group in which people actually agreed with that statement?

Honest now, there are people who secretly think that fat people are not as good as thin people. So it’s not too far off to imagine a group making such a statement.

That’s kind of the way I feel about the Democrat Party–as long as good people keep associating with them and voting for their candidates, there is no pressure for them to abandon their horrific pro-choice position that in many cases (e.g., Pres. Obama) even advocates partial-birth abortion–the killing of a full-term infant.

I’ve noticed some people on CAF vote for 3rd Party candidates rather than voting for Republicans that they find unacceptable, and that, at least, is taking a stand. But if you do that, do you contact the Democrat candidate and tell them that you would have voted for them, but you cannot justify voting for a candidate from a Party that is pro-choice? Do it!

Someone in the thread discussed a strategy of “abandonment” of the Democrat Party that is not only Pro-Choice by Platform, but marginalizes their members and candidates who profess a pro-life stance, and also advocates other questionable positions on issues like sexuality. I think this makes sense, although I would say that it would be best to contact the Democrat Party and the elected Democrats in their area and TELL them that you are abandoning the Party and why. If enough people did this, the Party might be forced to change their ways. Yes, I know, there are enough urban voters in the big metropolitan areas of the U.S. to elect a Democrat President–but they didn’t do it in the last election, and that has to be making the Democrat Party a little nervous.
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