You quote information “proving” that economics is the main reason for a woman to choose to end her unborn child’s life.
Really? Did I say “prove”? Where? I said “The Guttmacher Institute did a study on that…Read it for yourself.” Did you? I’m going to go out on a limb and bet you didn’t–you didn’t need to, right?
The reasons the women themselves gave were usually economic. Neither I nor the study said that well-off people don’t have abortions. They do. But most are not well-off.
Read any study you want: the more educated women are, the fewer babies they have. Again, does this mean if you get a PhD you will be childless? Don’t be silly. It DOES mean that if I am a peasant in India and never go to school, I will–on average–have more children than a peasant who has a high school (or even a grade school) education. This is beyond dispute.
I applaud you for actually doing something to support your beliefs. Personally, I also do something: I give money to the Sisters of Notre Dame, who run schools and clinics for girls in India. Education = fewer pregnancies = fewer abortions. Simple. However, you are like a doctor who is treating a fever without treating the CAUSE of the fever. In the end, that’s a futile approach.
There are only six countries where all abortions are illegal: El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Chile, Malta and the Vatican. Clearly God has blessed these countries above all others. Please.