Do any CAF members who lean towards the Democrat party put any kind of pressure on the Party or on Democrat candidates to change their Pro-Choice (pro

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What do you consider immoral about the pro-choice Party Platform statement?
Do some web searching.
I don’t knead to do any web searching to understand that the Democratic Party is officially anti-life.

The Brady Campaign isn’t allowed to speak at NRA meetings, even if individual Brady people send in their $15 or $20 or whatever it is for an NRA membership. This isn’t persecution.
I don’t feel “sorry” for prolife Dems. They are in the wrong party. They should leave that party. It is somewhat similar to orthodox, or prolife Episcopalians, who are lingering on in the Episcopal Church. A few decades ago, they might have argued that by remaining on the inside, in the TEC (or Democratic Party), they might be a leaven, keep the conversation going with people who were wrong, but still open minded.

That argument was valid a few decades ago. Today it is not. Prolifers have no influence on the Dems, or on the TEC now. Up to a point, waiting can be good, as you discern. After a certain point, it is strictly procrastination.
As a registered democrat it is sad to see the parties platform on abortion. This is why I belong to Democrats for Life. I regularly write and call my legislators, both federal and state.

At the same time I don’t see the republican party as completely pro-life either.

I’ve been researching the American Solidarity Party.

I’m not sure why you asked this question. Do you not know the answer? (This is a Catholic forum.)

Here is what the Party Platform says (yes, it’s an excerpt, but anyone can google “Democrat Party Platform” and read the entire platform in context):

“We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured. We believe that reproductive health is core to women’s, men’s, and young people’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood health centers, which provide critical health services to millions of people. We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.”

Dovekin, as a Catholic (and as a Protestant before I converted to Catholicism), and as a medical laboratory scientist, I believe that abortion is the killing of a human being who is totally innocent and undeserving of death. Deliberately killing an innocent human being is immoral and evil.

The very idea of repealing the Hyde Amendment is sickening. Anyone who would even consider such a thing has taken leave of their senses.
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You could say the same thing about Republicans. Are republicans calling their senators and demanding immigration reform, an end to the death penalty, universal healthcare, etc.?

Some do. Most don’t. I’d say the same would apply to democrats.
I suspect that most dems share @Dovekin’s opinion or I’m against abortion but …
I’ll let these recent tweets by Tucker Carlson speak for themselves:
You think any of these people care about family separation? If they did, they’d be upset about the collapse of the American family, which is measurable and real. They’re not. They welcome that collapse, because strong families are an impediment to their political power.
That’s why they’re always lecturing you about the patriarchy and the evil of the nuclear family. Millions and millions of American kids are growing up with one parent at home thanks to their policies. That’s fine with them.
I asked because I have no idea why you think the Democratic Party Platform is immoral. I still have no idea.
We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion—regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured
Is it immoral to include abortion as a medical service? That is about the only thing I find objectionable here.
We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment.”
If the NRA wrote that they would oppose laws that impede a person’s access to guns, would you consider that immoral?

I asked the question because I am trying to understand what you mean by immoral.

My position is that the government should do everything it can to enable pregnant women to give birth to their children, because every child’s life is precious and mothers give them life.
The government should also outlaw gun ownership because every child’s life is precious, and guns kill children.
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I am totally confused by what you are writing.

Are you perhaps thinking of immorality only in terms of sexual sin? That’s not the only use of the word.

Here’s a list of synonyms for “immoral”: :unethical, bad, morally wrong, wrongful, wicked, evil, foul, unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonorable, dishonest, unconscionable, iniquitous, disreputable, corrupt, depraved, vile, villainous, nefarious, base, miscreant;.

Abortion is immoral. The Democrat Party Platform pledges support for abortion. Therefore the Democrat party Platform is immoral.

And yes, it is immoral (wicked, evil, foul, etc.) to include abortion as a medical service. Abortion is not wrong only for those who think it is wrong. Abortion is wrong, period. And wrong is another synonym for “immoral.”

Does this make more sense to you?
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Definitely. When a politician at any level of government holds an opinion or pursues a course of action that we disagree with, our best response is to contact the politician and ask them to re-consider. That’s why I started this thread. I think a lot of people kind of take the easy way because they don’t think their voice or letter will make a difference. But that’s just as wrong as voting for a person who is an advocate for something evil! We need to speak up. Catholicism is one of the largest (numbers of members) religion in the U.S., and they should be able to make some kind of impact on politics.

Perhaps we all count on the priests who are celebrities to speak up for us?
Do you believe the Pro-Choice Party Platform is OK for Catholics to support?
Of course. You are–like all pro-life fanatics–equating pro-abortion and pro-choice. They are NOT the same at all. You can be against abortion, but be in favor of allowing everyone to make the choice of having an abortion on an individual basis.

I don’t believe any woman says to herself, “Oh, getting an abortion sounds like fun!” No. It’s a last resort. As I’ve posted before elsewhere, trying to get abortion made illegal in the US is not only futile, it is counter-productive to your own cause. See a Gallup poll on abortion, covering 1975-2017:
Legal under any circumstance: 1975–21% 2017–29%
Legal only under certain circumstance: 1975–54% 2107–50%
Illegal in all circumstance: 1975–22% 2017–18%
no opinion: 3% in both 1975 and 2017

So…42 years of fanaticism, and where has it gotten you? The “legal under any circumstance” group has INCREASED by 8%; meanwhile, the “illegal in all circumstance” group has DECREASED 4%.

And of course your treating the symptoms, not the problem. Why do women get abortions? The Guttmacher Institute did a study on that: Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives | Guttmacher Institute

Read it for yourself. You want to decrease the number of abortions? Me too. So first, reduce the number of pregnancies–educate women. Second, look at the report and see why women get abortions. Most of the reasons are economics. Eliminate those reasons. Other countries have done it, and their abortions rates have fallen. But of course if you’re not really serious about reducing abortions, don’t bother…

This is not (contrary to the opinion of most people on this thread) a theocracy. This is a multi-cultural country where Catholics (80% of whom SUPPORT the pro-choice position) are a minority. Other major religions allow abortion at different times throughout pregnancy. And of course there are large numbers of non-religious and atheists who are also entitled to their beliefs. This is neither a theocracy nor a totalitarian state (at least so far…Trump is doing his best).
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You are–like all pro-life fanatics–equating pro-abortion and pro-choice. They are NOT the same at all. You can be against abortion, but be in favor of allowing everyone to make the choice of having an abortion on an individual basis.
The issue about Abortion is whether or not someone thinks it should be Legal or Illegal.

Someone’s personal beliefs about abortion is not an issue. Why would I, as a member of the electorate, really care at all about a politician’s personal feelings? I only care if he wants to legalize abortion or prohibit it by law.
The issue about Abortion is whether or not someone thinks it should be Legal or Illegal.
And this is why it’s hard to have a rational debate. If you are pro-choice, you think it should be legal. That doesn’t mean you think abortion is a great idea. You may well think, as I do, that abortion is an intrinsic evil, etc. etc. But I am not willing to impose my personal beliefs on other people.
I don’t think that anyone who genuinely believes that something is intrinsically evil could support it being legal.
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