Do you believe the Pro-Choice Party Platform is OK for Catholics to support?
Of course. You are–like all pro-life fanatics–equating pro-abortion and pro-choice. They are NOT the same at all. You can be against abortion, but be in favor of allowing everyone to make the choice of having an abortion on an individual basis.
I don’t believe any woman says to herself, “Oh, getting an abortion sounds like fun!” No. It’s a last resort. As I’ve posted before elsewhere, trying to get abortion made illegal in the US is not only futile, it is counter-productive to your own cause. See a Gallup poll on abortion, covering 1975-2017:
Legal under any circumstance: 1975–21% 2017–29%
Legal only under certain circumstance: 1975–54% 2107–50%
Illegal in all circumstance: 1975–22% 2017–18%
no opinion: 3% in both 1975 and 2017
So…42 years of fanaticism, and where has it gotten you? The “legal under any circumstance” group has INCREASED by 8%; meanwhile, the “illegal in all circumstance” group has DECREASED 4%.
And of course your treating the symptoms, not the problem. Why do women get abortions? The Guttmacher Institute did a study on that:
Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives | Guttmacher Institute
Read it for yourself. You want to decrease the number of abortions? Me too. So first, reduce the number of pregnancies–educate women. Second, look at the report and see why women get abortions. Most of the reasons are economics. Eliminate those reasons. Other countries have done it, and their abortions rates have fallen. But of course if you’re not really serious about reducing abortions, don’t bother…
This is not (contrary to the opinion of most people on this thread) a theocracy. This is a multi-cultural country where Catholics (80% of whom SUPPORT the pro-choice position) are a minority. Other major religions allow abortion at different times throughout pregnancy. And of course there are large numbers of non-religious and atheists who are also entitled to their beliefs. This is neither a theocracy nor a totalitarian state (at least so far…Trump is doing his best).