Your above statement brought a chuckle to my lips. You see, I would probably be considered by many to be a very Catholic, religious, believing man. I am. And it is because I am a critical thinker by nature who doesn’t accept something because some one or some tradition tells me it is so, that I make that claim.I am a critical thinker by nature, so you can imagine I don’t accept much just because someone told me about something or because tradition says so.
There is one massive difference between you and me. It is something that is recorded that Jesus said. He said, “unless you have the faith of a little child, you shall not see God; for it is for these little ones that the kingdom of God is made.” In that statement, I find my truth.
What Christ is saying, indirectly, is that it is only with the faith of a small child, that you will come to peace, understanding, and love and joy in life. (this and the next). Christ is saying that one needs to be child like, NOT childish, in one’s faith and understanding, because our finite minds cannot figure it out. The finite cannot find or explain the infinite.
Christmas is coming; listen to a four or five year old tell you about Santa Claus and the reindeer and presents, and Jesus, and see the total belief and trust in mommy and daddy, why, because that child will tell you that mommy and daddy would never deceive them. It is that pure faith, trust, hope, and love that Christ says we need to hold on to. To be HUMBLE.
I don’t know is a good mantra. But, QGirl, how far can it take you? I don’t know how electricity works, but I know when I flip the switch the light comes on. I have faith in that. You can’t bring me a box of wind to put under a microscope, but I know the wind exists when I see the leaves on the tree move and feel the breeze on my skin. It’s call intuitive knowledge, knowing something exists, not because I can see, feel, or understand it, but because I see that things effects. It is the same for me with God. I can’t see Him, touch Him, or understand him in any empirical sense, any empirical knowledge, but I know (believe) He exists when I see this magnificent world that I know man, us, could not have created.
The difference between me and so many of the more “knowledgeable” people is that I am willing to accept something I have come to believe to be true, even though I can’t prove a thing about it, other than others have handed down to me, that which allows me to make sense of something I can’t empirically understand or prove.