Story of Adam and Eve cannot be accepted literally and still be consistent with our knowlage of the universe.
They were all written to people already embracing the Faith of the Church, to Catholics, so it is not a matter of Promotion - promotion of the Christian Faith is not done by writing, but by person to person involvement, where the non-Christian sees and hears the Christian from the Outside, and does not any longer wish to be Outside, so the non-Christian asks to be taken Inside, to be baptized.And by the style of their writting, it makes sense to assume that they were written to promote a religion
Yeah but you’re all over the place, and the discussion loses focus. This is the philosophy forum, but you’re questioning the integrity of scripture.l want to understand them in a way that makes sense, questioning some aspects of it is a part of it.
Your “knowledge of the Universe” is not knowledge, but theory, and science has a long way to go before it has correctly theorized the material universe. Having dispensed with Philosophy, it has dispensed with its own purpose in being science.Story of Adam and Eve cannot be accepted literally and still be consistent with our knowlage of the universe.
Well, a creationist could simply deny the assumption of gradualism. Modern evolutionary science assumes that things have been the same through the beginning of creation. Creationists could rightly claim that using this to say Creationism is disproved is circular, as it assumes what it then uses as a disproof.How so?
The existence of Adam and Eve goes against our knowlage of evolution.
And by the law of non-contradiction only one can be true
There are demons per Catholicism, which are defined as the fallen angels, which per Revelation is about one third of the angels created. Unlike mankind, angels are pure spiritual beings (has no body and does not depend for existence or activity on matter), yet may appear to man.To increase my knowlage on Catholic thought is my primary objective, secondary would be to have a dicussion.
l want to understand them in a way that makes sense, questioning some aspects of it is a part of it.
The existence of angels - a truth of faith
328 The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls “angels” is a truth of faith. The witness of Scripture is as clear as the unanimity of Tradition.
414 Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who have freely refused to serve God and his plan. Their choice against God is definitive. They try to associate man in their revolt against God.