These are the principal Catholic dogmas that I, as a Muslim, can (and do) accept:
That there is only One God, our Creator and Lord; who can be known with certainty, by the natural light of reason from created things; who is absolutely perfect; who is actually infinite in every perfection; who is absolutely simple; who is the True God, possessing an infinite power of cognition; who is absolute Veracity; who is absolutely faithful; who is absolute ontological Goodness in Himself and in relation to others; who is absolute Moral Goodness or Holiness; who is absolute Benignity; who is absolutely immutable; who is eternal and everywhere present in created space; whose knowledge is infinite.
That the Divine Attributes are really identical among themselves and with the Divine Essence; that God is almighty; is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth; is infinitely just and infinitely merciful.
That all that exists outside the Exalted was, in its whole substance, produced out of nothing by Him; that He was moved by His Goodness to create the world; and this this was done for His glorification; that He has created a good world; a world that has a beginning in time; that He created all things, and holds all these things in existence.
That through His providence He protects and guides all that He has created; that He created the first man (and woman); that every human being possesses an individual soul; and that the Exalted has conferred on humankind a supernatural Destiny.
That sanctifying grace makes one holy; that such grace can be increased by good works; and may be lost, and is lost, by every grievous (mortal, serious) sin.
That by their good works the justified really do acquire a claim to supernatural reward from their Lord; that the bliss of heaven lasts for all eternity; and that the souls of those who die in the condition of personal grievous sin enter Hell.
That all the dead will rise again on the last day with their bodies; and that they will be judged.