There shouldn’t be any reason for the entire Church, East and West, to keep to the original text of the Nicene Creed.
In fact, the words “Who proceeds from the Father” are taken directly from Scripture, from the Mouth of Christ Himself.
I don’t think anyone should presume to want to “improve” on our Lord’s Trinitarian theology!
Another problem with the Filioque is that it is an entirely Scholastic construct that proceeds from Scholasticism (the Greeks at Florence did express their dismay that what they were being required to assent to were Scholastic conclusions).
IF both Churches agree that the distinction between the “Only Begotten Son” and the “Spirit that proceeds from the Father” are maintained by Their manner of spiration from the Father - why do we need the Filioque? Why can’t we then agree to what we already agree to that the Holy Spirit comes to us from the Father through the Son (in time)?
As for the doctrine of the Filioque, it can be said, as I believe Ghosty is saying, that it is “culture specific.” That is, in Latin, it is one thing, in Greek, something altogether different.
IF that is true (and Ghosty can always be trusted!
), then the Filioque really is a legitimate Latin teaching but which should not be imposed on the universal Church. As such, it hads nothing to what the Church universal has always believed about the Trinity and that the Spirit comes to us from the Father through the Son (in time).