Am I just being a prude or does it seem kids (teens) these day are being told too much because of sharing on Youtube etc?
Im not usually the prudish type and happy to dress sometimes a little bit sexy but it seems even for me sometimes society goes too far.
Eg:I see some girls around 18-22 saying on YouTube blunt stories of “my first experience of sex” or “what should know about sexually transmitted diseases” etc and kids that are like 13-14 (perhaps even younger) can/are view this prior to having the maturity to be exposed to this.
Is it just to be expected because we are in the information era and just “educational” or is it an issue and like these kids are knowing/learning what will give them the most views on YouTube/social media and use “shock factor” (topics like sex) just to get views and grow in popularity?
It seems like “everyone” wants to be notorious/have fame these days like they are learning values from the Kardashians?
Im not usually the prudish type and happy to dress sometimes a little bit sexy but it seems even for me sometimes society goes too far.
Eg:I see some girls around 18-22 saying on YouTube blunt stories of “my first experience of sex” or “what should know about sexually transmitted diseases” etc and kids that are like 13-14 (perhaps even younger) can/are view this prior to having the maturity to be exposed to this.
Is it just to be expected because we are in the information era and just “educational” or is it an issue and like these kids are knowing/learning what will give them the most views on YouTube/social media and use “shock factor” (topics like sex) just to get views and grow in popularity?
It seems like “everyone” wants to be notorious/have fame these days like they are learning values from the Kardashians?
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