Do Mormons believe in many gods, believing each planet has its own god and that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are three gods?

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When she questioned some of what she was reading to her bishop, he forbade her to read anymore of it! Yikes!
You’re not supposed to ask questions. That is frowned upon. My cousin (who reads here and helps me understand the church) says she was forbidden to take the sacrament until she stopped asking questions about what she was reading.

The thing that frightens me the most about the Mormonite church is that the leaders decide what kind of relationship you can have with Jesus Christ. It’s not up to you.
You’re not supposed to ask questions.
You CAN ask questions, but they have to be the right kind of questions. If you ask too many, they get upset. If you ask about the hot button issues- archeology, history, DNA, Joesph Smith marrying 14 year olds, they’ll get furious.
I’ve heard that they are actively discouraged from reading anything not written by approved Mormon sources when investigating their faith. I understand reading books from those outside your faith should be read with caution and understanding biases but they actively discourage it! A Mormon friend from long ago left the faith after reading a secular history book about early Americans. When she questioned some of what she was reading to her bishop, he forbade her to read anymore of it! Yikes!
Yup, that’s pretty normal. Mormonism only thrives in highly controlled environments. Hence why their greatest conversions now are in places where they don’t have the internet. In highly developed countries, the conversion rate is zero.

If you want to anger a Catholic, lie to him. If you want to anger a Mormon, tell him the truth. “Anti-Mormon lies” are just uncomfortable truths that LDS can’t handle.
“There is a temptation for the writer or the teacher of Church history to want to tell everything, whether it is worthy or faith promoting or not. Some things that are true are not very useful.” - Boyd K. Packer
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Great quote. You can say many things about Mormons, but one thing you can’t say is that they have a love affair with truth!

He was also the one who said something negative about historians. Why do you say that Boyd? Oh yeah, because Mormonism and history clash, and the winner is…history.

I feel sorry for Mormons as well, but only to a point. The truth is out there, but they refuse to accept it.
Boyd also, somewhat famously, said to “Give milk before meat.” Hopefully they trap you with the milk so when you get to the meat, you just accept it. It didn’t work for me. The more involved I got and the more I learned, the more “meat” I had, the more disturbed I became.
The church has now accepted things that used to be “anti-Mormon lies”. For years and years the average Mormon didn’t believe Smith Jr was a treasure digger, didn’t believe in his polygamy, didn’t believe he married children, didn’t believe he had failed prophecies…the church even denied these things. Then, Bushman wrote his book “Rough Stone Rolling” and the church wrote their essays. Now, suddenly, the church is saying “Oh yeah, we lied for decades. Everything is true.”
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Couldn’t agree more.

I do have compassion for the members. I know of a ton of parents whose kids have left the church and it brings them great pain. Very sad. I blame the church 100%, not the members.
A few relatives on my husband’s side have left. There’s one who is afraid to leave because he’s afraid it will end his marriage. So he pretends while he continues to instruct the young men in his church. He’s tormented by it. It’s very sad.
For a church that takes such pride in having “close families” they sure don’t care when families are torn apart when one spouse has a “faith crisis”. It’s really staggering. The church comes before anything else. I’ve read of kids who have been disinherited by parents because they left the church. No wonder these kids don’t want anything to do with organized religion after this.
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Ya think? Can you imagine your daughter getting married and your seat is in the parking lot?
Ya think? Can you imagine your daughter getting married and your seat is in the parking lot?
Heartbreaking, isn’t it? There was a guy who made fake temple recommends so that people who don’t have a recommend could enter the temple. I think he still does it. While I can’t say what he is doing is nice and legal, I admire him for it. He is the one keeping families together.

We could about this for hours, I think!
I was born in Iowa, and I’ve lived in Illinois and Iowa, but I’ve spent most of my life in Georgia and South Carolina. We don’t really get a lot of Mormons at where I live, because I live so far out, but my interest in Mormonism, actually comes from the fact that during one Mass at a local Catholic church, there were Mormons sitting through it. I don’t remember the whole detail, but they failed at convincing the priest of the “truths” of the Mormon gospel.
I thought they started putting skew numbers on the recommends so they couldn’t be faked but I’m not sure.
You might be right. I know at one point he did make them and got people into the temple. Things might have changed, I’ve been out of the loop for awhile.
A “temple recommend” is like a pass to get into their temple. You need to have one to enter the temple. Your bishop (their equivalent of a parish priest is called a bishop) will ask you a bunch of questions, like “Are you living the word of wisdom, law of chastity, full tithe payer, etc.” and you have to answer correctly to get one. You also have to confess any “grave sins”, have a testimony, etc.
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But if you confess any “grave sins” when they interrogate you, you won’t get the recommend.

One of my aunts told me how she lied in order to get a recommend to attend her daughter’s temple wedding. She said that was not uncommon among Mormonites.
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