Do new converts feel left behind after they become fully Catholic?

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Please tell me your views. Share your experiences.
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I hear it’s often the case. The parish where my wife converted actually did have a program for neophytes that immediately followed confirmation, and then they encouraged you to join various social groups for your age group and vocation. So that is a great example of what to do.
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Very similar thread:
Regret becoming a Catholic? Catholic Living
Did anyone here, after having been received into the Church as an adult (i.e., baptized or received voluntarily, not as an infant), regret the decision to become Catholic? And if so, why? I am NOT condoning this, nor am I condoning leaving the Church. The Catholic Church is the one true church of Jesus Christ, and anyone who leaves it, knowing and understanding that it is, indeed, the one true church, objectively speaking, cannot save their soul. I am just asking “did you regret it?”. It wo…
While it wasn’t the case for me, I can easily see that being the case. I was lucky in that I had prepared, perhaps unknowingly, for it in advance. I was involved in cleaning the liturgical vessels from the start of RCIA, and participated in different groups in the church. Some were ones I found, some were ones introduced to me by my godparents. Another factor I think that helped was that I picked two sponsors/godparents when it was available to me – now I had two people invested in my “upbringing” and access to their social circles, both full of very devout Catholics. It made the sudden drop I felt after RCIA be all the more gentle.
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It could easily have happened with me. But I sought out ways to participate in the Parish and get to know others. I have no regrets, but wish they had bible studies and better follow up for RCIA.
In the words of St Teresa of Avila: ‘whoever has God lacks nothing, God alone suffices.’
Yes fellowship is great and all, but it has never discouraged me when I’m ‘left behind’ in parish activities. And I am a cradle Catholic.
For myself and those in RCIA the following two years, we have all become very active in our parish activities. If the opportunities are there, people will come! If definitely makes a difference.
Well, being an introvert, I am scared to approach other people first. When I go to church seems like everybody is talking to their own group of familiar faces. It sucks to sit alone in church. I am afraid to join in any of their activities too, because I am scared of being left out again in a group.
I am also an introvert, but I find at church, just smiling at someone can break that barrier. After Mass is not the best time to make friends. If you have a Bible Study, Knights of C, or whatever, these are groups you can join without having to put yourself out there.
In the words of St Teresa of Avila: ‘whoever has God lacks nothing, God alone suffices.’
That’s nice. But, we are human beings after all and need to socialize and be around others. Too bad I am an introvert and a very shy guy.
If you’re an introvert and shy, the issue is not whether the Church “leaves new converts behind”. Rather it’s that you yourself are introverted and shy. If you want to break out of that and socialize more, you need to take steps to talk to people, meet people and be more outgoing. You cannot expect the Church, or any other organization, to always be there holding your hand and pushing you into social contacts.

Presumably you were already socializing with people you met in or through RCIA, I see no reason why you can’t just keep that up and also add new people.

Also consider social outlets in addition to the Church. Don’t rely on church to solve all of your life problems.
If you want to break out of that and socialize more, you need to take steps to talk to people, meet people and be more outgoing.
Sorry, as an introvert and shy person this is too difficult for me to accomplish.
Well, if you’re not going to even try, then like I said, don’t blame the church, it’s not their fault.

As the old saying goes, God helps those who help themselves.
Yes it happens . the gathering of the people in the wild goose ministry ended a 14 week meeting. And every one wanted it to continue. They enjoyed the sharing and fellowship. And would miss getting together.
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What is it that you want the Church to do?
Introvert or not, we have to move out of our comfort zones to get what we want.
Do you have social phobia or just shyness? Social phobia is a disorder which can cause crippling anxiety some can hardly leave their homes and go to work because of it I ask because you say you ‘can’t manage’ social interactions which suggest it may go beyond mere shyness in which case you may benefit from psychological help? Nb Church has helped me a bit in this, although my main reason for reverting was to be reconciled to god just having good people around me has helped, and god heals in his time.
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Social Phobia. I went to a party once and cannot last for 5 minutes. I left the party without finishing my dinner even after I dressed up and prepared for it beforehand.
Behavioural therapy (which helps someone with this disorder change negative thoughts) I did this ages ago, young people btw sometimes kind of ‘grow out of it’. If you are older might still be worth it.i wish you well you are not alone there will be others like you - take care.

Ps if you can’t get professional help, I think there are self-help books on these kind of things and no doubt YouTube videos etc but really need real interactions for it to work).
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I had kind of answered this already on a different thread, but when I got confirmed, I’d received many welcome gifts from the parish - all from different people & ministries - all inviting me to join them & serve the Church. I’d ended up with the Adult Choir & Candle Care, & at other times, I get involved with other things. As we’d say in Protestant circles, you need to get “plugged in”, & they’re right. As a member of the Body, I can’t be a dead limb. I get my life from Him - & His Body. I was meant to serve in some capacity or another in His Will with His purpose in mind.
Have you considered doing Candle Care? It’s very quiet - you do it at your own pace - unless some Feast/Solemnity/Memorial/Special Occasion comes up needing immediate attention, & with all of the quiet of it all, it gives you time to meditate & be with Him in the moment. You still serve the Church, but at the same time, you connect with Him. You don’t usually have to deal with a lot of people either. It’s usually you - unless it’s your first time maybe, & someone is instructing you on what you need to do during your allotted time.

UPDATE: I was just looking this up online & found this. Perhaps it’ll help:

Here’s a spiritual gifts inventory you can do, which is awesome, & it even describes the spiritual gifts following the inventory!
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