Obviously a question to folks living in the USA.
Taking the bus in Europe might well be something rich people very rarely do, but I wouldn’t say it’s considered a sign of being poor here. Sometimes a bus can be convenient, and a lot of people, particularly when living in a city, might hop on and off buses to get to various parts of the city (London is a good example).
I do get the impression however, from what I’ve heard, that in the USA it is a sign that you are poor. I’ve also heard it said that very few white people take the bus in the States (because generally whites are seen as more well off than blacks, hispanics etc. although of course there are poor white people too).
Is this the case? Do people try to pretty much avoid buses whenever possible in the US, and is it only poorer people who take them? Is it the same with taking a coach to another state (a long journey) or do more people, even if they are not poor, do that?