Not sure where this belongs. All these secular gender theories (which I don’t waste my time on) are not the bases for this question.
Do our souls have a gender?
Do our souls have a gender?
But aren’t those writings pre-Christian? Are you referring to anima and animus?In older spiritual writings, the souls of a man or woman is often referred to as “she”
Because we will be like Jesus, who is the image of God, I believe our souls will have all traits of both sexes, and many which we do not know here on the earth. We will be complete, total, and in full communion with God and will carry all possible aspects of his character and personality. This does not mean we will be subject to the foibles of human sexuality. Only that we will understand completely all aspects of consciousness.Do our souls have a gender?
Well, understand that I say this somewhat tongue in cheek: I don’t know the answer to your specific question in reference to gender, but I believe that at the point of death the soul does trans to either Purgatory or Hell.Not sure where this belongs. All these secular gender theories (which I don’t waste my time on) are not the bases for this question.
Do our souls have a gender?
This sentence is confusing because Jesus is God.Because we will be like Jesus, who is the image of God
My comment is based on I John 3:2. And because this forum is made up of a wide variety of faith traditions, I can’t assume that the teaching that Jesus is God is universally accepted by the ones I respond to. Personally I don’t find any confusion, I’m just adding a sort of train of events by stating it that way, but I can’t think of a superior way to convey my idea.confusing because Jesus is God.
All Christians would believe in the teaching Jesus is God. I guess you could say the human Jesus of Low Christology is made in the image and likeness of the divine Jesus of High Christology.My comment is based on I John 3:2. And because this forum is made up of a wide variety of faith traditions, I can’t assume that the teaching that Jesus is God is universally accepted by the ones I respond to. Personally I don’t find any confusion, I’m just adding a sort of train of events by stating it that way, but I can’t think of a superior way to convey my idea.![]()
Actually this isn’t always the case. Although the argument could then be made that if they don’t believe this, then they aren’t Christians. I’m not going to be a judge on that one. But I think the OP will find a wide variety of responses to the question. Thankfully you, I and others are providing ample fodder for thought.All Christians would believe in the teaching Jesus is God
The body has a sex. Note what St. Pope John Paul II wrote on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, 1997. Church Believes in Mary's Assumption | EWTN.Not sure where this belongs. All these secular gender theories (which I don’t waste my time on) are not the bases for this question.
Do our souls have a gender?
The dogma of the Assumption affirms that Mary’s body was glorified after her death. In fact, while for other human beings the resurrection of the body will take place at the end of the world, for Mary the glorification of her body was anticipated by a special privilege.
The soul is not just a spirit inside a body, it is the form of the body.No empirical psychologist can be a dualist; the evidence for psychosomatic unity is overwhelming. No pervasive feature of either body or soul is insulated from the other; every sound in the soul echoes in the body, and every sound in the body echoes in the soul. Let the rejection of dualism be Premise One of our argument.
Not for sure I understand your meaning. I would say that being male /female is the same as our gender, so our souls are male or female just as our bodies are. Masculinity/femininity are the traits associated with being male or female. But this is likely just a semantical confusion between the two of us.Masculinity and femininity go beyond being male and female.
Ok, I underdtand what you are saying. Then there can still be confusion in your original statement. With regard to the issue of the thread, being male/female is also not just part of our biological sex, it is also part of our soul.Masculinity and femininity refer to gender which encompasses biological sex but is not limited to it