Aren’t you both saying the same thing? @Sarcelle @tafan2. As I read Sarcelle’s latest opinion.
We no longer will need to eat, will our whole digestive tract disappear. Admittedly that is not the best of analogies. So lets do this:no longer need to reproduce so what is th
Our souls are masculine or feminine.Lets hold off the argument about heaven for a bit. Instead we need to look at ourselves in the here and now. Are our souls male and female?
I will go back and review Pelandra, its a great book BTW.Male and female and masculine and feminine aren’t interchangeable with each other. As C. S. Lewis said in his book Pelandra
1The soul is the form of the body. Without a soul, the body would be a formless blob of matter. It is the soul that makes the body male or female, so perhaps it is reasonable to say the soul is male or female.Lets hold off the argument about heaven for a bit. Instead we need to look at ourselves in the here and now. Are our souls male and female?
St John of the Cross and Mary of Agreda both used that phrasing.But aren’t those writings pre-Christian? Are you referring to anima and animus?
Considering that our soul is what we leave with from this world, to stand in front of God, and God created man and woman, probably our souls are also masculine for men and feminine for women.
But in the New Eden/New Jerusalem/Final Heaven we won’t reproduce, so it’s easy to see that not all things and elements from before the Fall will be restored. In every case, when God says:Be Fruitful and Multiply
when applied to Heaven/New Jerusalem, would simply mean that male and female Saints (with their Glorified Bodies) will live together and complement each other in the work of Glorifying God.It is not good for the man to be alone
Yes it is because I read it has a good meaning so I stuck with it. It also has been reoccurring in my life as a grade (top gradr being 10) which I am not sure it is something to brag aboutI like your username. You have it bc 888 is the number of Christ, no?