Conservative values are much closer to Church teaching than liberal values, so it would, in fact seem a more reliable determiner that Norris is conservative.
Really? How about the death penalty? the enviornment?
If think you are missing the forest because of a coup,e of trees blocking your view.
Conservatives attempt to “conserve” things like the rule of law, keeping alive a strong moral commitment in the political realm, individual human rights (properly understood) and not abandoning traditional values for current whims and fantasies.
The death penalty has always been permitted, in principle, by the Church. The question is whether it is now practically necessary to protect society. That is an open question that conservatives can fall on either side of the debate.
The divide between liberals and conservatives has more to do with whether the death penalty is wrong always and everywhere. i.e., in principle. A conservative would insist that some capital crimes deserve the death penalty but might also permit that there are modern workable options which make the death penalty unnecessary in most or even all cases.
Many liberals are confused on the issue. They will argue that the death penalty is never permissible and insist that even the worst criminals do not deserve the death penalty because it is inhumane. However, mention Trump or Putin or disagree with a liberal about any hot button issue and they will make no qualms about bringing out the noose or guillotine or threaten your livelihood with unspeakable penalties,
Principles, or lack of them, is the main difference between conservatives and liberals. Liberals have none and operate within an ever-changing emotional stewpot of political expediency, while conservatives have distinct guiding principles. Even libertarians have a main guiding principle, the non-aggression principle, which condemns wanton aggression or infringements of rights but also permits defensive measures. Liberals just don’t subscribe to principles, just appeal to emotion, wherever that leads.
As to the environment, conservatives are all about conservation that is effective. It is just that liberals are proposing all kinds of measures that are ineffectual but politically expedient for them.
Just look at Canada, for example, imposing a carbon tax while Trump pulled out of the Paris Accord. On the face of it, Canada is taking the environmentally friendly measure, but the US isn’t. Yet in the latest statistics on carbon emissions, the US has substantively reduced theirs, while Canada’s has risen significantly. Who is actually more friendly to the environment?