why not? in scripture the analogy of the relationship between G-d and man as the relationship between a Shepherd and His flock.If we are indeed made in God’s Image and Likeness then we honestly can’t be considered ‘property’.
who thinks that we are G-ds playthings?If we are indeed endowed with Free-Will to determine our own destiny then again we can’t be considered ‘God’s playthings’.
the fact that we are not given our due, as sinners, makes G-d very just. very merciful. our due is deathIf our God is a god of Justice then we should expect to be given our due.
and yet Christ Himself uses the Shepherd analogy, i am personally honored to be the property of my Master. better the lowliest servant in heaven, than the king of hellChristianity has always recognized a certain ‘dignity’ in our humanity. To think that we are ultimately ‘property’ demeans this ‘dignity’.
we are the property of G-d, not the property of our fellow man, so, why would we then expect our fellow man to treat us as property? all the servants should treat eachother as equals.If our own Almighty God considers us nothing more than property we should expect nothing more from our fellow man as we should imitate God’s attributes to reflect His Goodness in the world.
how can one servant say to another " you are nothing but a servant, and i will treat you as such?" that guy is a servant to.
so im a little confused.
that said, i dont care for wishy washy stuff, i deal in cold hard reason, emotions and feelings dont appeal to me, and neither do flowery words