Do the demons know our past sins after confesion?

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If God forgets our sins after confession does this mean that the demons do too? Does it mean that the demons see us without knowledge of what we are most tempted by?
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Confession removes all sin but the ingrained habits that lead to sin need to be undone gradually and replaced with virtuous habits. In addition to avoiding sin, a person should pro-actively find occasions to practice the corresponding virtue.

I don’t think there’s an authoritative answer to your question but the general consensus seems to be that the enemy knows our most vulnerable areas. If we trust in God, this is actually a good thing because those attacks will also make us aware of where we are most vulnerable and then we can do something about it.

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If God forgets our sins after confession does this mean that the demons do too? Does it mean that the demons see us without knowledge of what we are most tempted by?
Father John Hardon, S.J. wrote:
The devil knows us very well. He cannot read our secret thoughts but he can conclude to our inner spirit by our external behavior, and even, as exorcists tell me, the emotional expressions on our face. When St. Peter tells us not to be afraid of the evil spirit he means more than meets the eye. He means that we should not even show by our emotions that we are afraid of the devil. Our emotional expressions, in what we say, how we react, how we allow our feelings to manifest themselves in our bodies - all of these are dangerous in dealing with the devil. We must not only be at peace inside, but manifest a peaceful attitude in our external behavior. The devil is especially influential in mastering those who are afraid of him.
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As a wise man once told me, Satan knows our name, but calls us by our sins. Christ knows our sins and calls us by our name.
Demons know our weak spots and play us on those. They know our vulnerabilities and take advantage of them. Demons can’t hit you where you’re strong.
I don’t remember where, but I did read that an exorcist stated Satan doesn’t know our confessed sins.

That being said, they are very smart and continually tempt us. I’m sure it doesn’t take very long for them to work out our weaknesses.
The demons saw us as we sinned. They do not need to “remember”, as they exist outside of time - in eternity.

As to the devil and the demonic, some won’t like this analogy, but think of them like the neighborhood bully - but your older brother is much larger and stronger. Thus, the bully’s time is up and he lives in fear. Ultimately, he is no more than an annoyance.

Saint Teresa of Avila, mystic and Doctor of the Church, was taunted constantly by the devil. It is said that she was awakened from sleep one night only to see the devil face-to-face with her, in all of his vile, odoriferous, grotesqueness. Who would not be absolutely petrified?

The mystical Saint gave the devil his due: “Oh, it’s only you” she said, then turned over and went back to sleep.

She is our model.
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It is notable in this regard that spiritual writers stress often that we are to keep our inner peace, to possess our souls in peace, no matter what happens outwardly. Good advice in this time! We should never let our deep peace become agitated.
Exorcists report that demons will speak out about the sins of a person during an exorcism.
Of course they can see what we do.
The exorcists say not to talk with demons. I have presumed that they can seek to triumph over those involved in exorcisms, by forcefully bringing up their own sins. (Besides the fact that angels, including fallen angels, are more intelligent that humans.)
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