Well, that’s exactly it. I think most of them do believe the NO is invalid, and some of them think the NO confessions are invalid too. That’s kind of a paradox, because we are told the SSPX confessions are invalid!paramedicgirl, I know that a lot of the time, the SSPX uses the “intent” argument, and not only for the Holy Eucharistic but also other of the 7 sacraments. But I was under the impression that a priest had to make a positive act of will in order for the consecration to be invalid?
Secondly, regarding the mixing of Hosts at a TLM Mass-, while it might be strange, unless one believes that the NO is invalid, I do not see why it should be a problem. It is either the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ-or it is not. It cannot be a matter of degrees.
Also, while the GIRM commends that people receive the Hosts consecrated at the same Mass, this is by no means obligatory -at my parish, regularly for weekday Masses the priest will only consecrate one, or max. 2 ciboriums of hosts, and all the others are taken from the tabernacle.