Do today's Catholics wish we would be less Catholic?

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I have been very open here about my desire for the whole world to become Catholic, and if that doesn’t happen, we are failing at our mission as Catholics.
I disagree with @TMC comments that it’s solely one side with a vocal opinion on what it means to be Catholic.
I think this is a fair comment. I mostly see one particular “side” take this attitude, but I can admit that the “other side” does a lot of the same. Maybe I don’t see it as much – too me the more vocal and strident voices are mostly on the one side. But that may only seem that way to me because of my own biases. In fact, that seems likely.

One thing I am pretty sure of is that most Catholics are not on either “side,” they are just trying to live their lives as best they can.
Trust me, if your parish priest decided to only allow altar boys, started praying the mass ad orientem, or started to require some of the responses of the laity (like the Sanctus) to be Latin; he would hear a ton from the “other side”

I’ve heard priests talk about how they get numerous telephone calls and letters complaining about homilies where orthodox Catholic teachings were discussed or when the priests were considering reintroducing traditional customs.

Right now, the vocal part of the “other side” is in very heretical areas (women priests, etc), which is why it’s easily dismissed. But whenever priests/bishops slide practices towards tradition, they hear it. The mainstream of the “other side” is quiet because they have most of what they wanted. This is why you really only hear from the “traditional side,” because most traditionalist desires are completely ignored in many parishes, except at the Traditional Latin Mass and in the few more traditional Ordinary Form Masses.

God Bless
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