I see your point, I don’t exactly have anything new to share, if you simply mean our discussion, I guess I can send a few things.
By Trent I mean Trent Horn, he will be a guest on Friday for Catholic Answers Live, the topic will be “why arent you a Christian?” I’m assuming you did not know this site had a radio station, check out their podcasts of previous shows if you click radio on a tab above. They also have a youtube, Catholic Answers Live.
I think it would be great for him to call in to discuss his concerns on Friday.
Yes! I meant Trent Horn too, and yes again, I meant your discussion, which is not a simple one. If you think Trent knows what “God knows” mean, what is “Free will” and the logical demonstration that there is no incompatibility between the two notions, you should ask him yourself (I don’t think I will have the chance to attend the event). I would value the demonstration as a real treasure. It is true that it wouldn’t change anything in my life, because it doesn’t depend on demonstrations, but I would keep it as a jewel of logic. I can’t wait for the moment you will bring the argument!
Perhaps I am a simple man in this matters. When I was instructed in the Christian doctrine during my childhood, I never requested demonstrations nor miracles; and I have never done that afterwards. It was my Grandfather who taught me first. He was a wonderful man; respectful, caring, judicious… Through his good example I learnt to appreciate the Christian doctrine much more than I will appreciate your demonstrations.
Concerning people who don’t share our Christian beliefs, I tend to think they have not been as fortunate as I have been. And when some of them adopt adversarial postures against those beliefs (I always wonder what is it that bothers them), I tend to ask them questions, because I want to know to the last foundation what they pretend to know so well. At first they pretend to accept only what is accessible to their senses, what can be measured, and what can be demonstrated. They say they reject what is called “arguments of authority”, and faith. However, I have found that they don’t go too deeply into their first premises. They are not as purely rationalistic or as scientific as they pretended to be. It is disappointing because they start talking big words at the beginning and they end with non-rational responses.
I agree with St. Thomas Aquinas when he says that we should not offer weak arguments to others, because they will think we base our faith on them. However, I have never been afraid to say that I was not educated in the Christian doctrine by angels, among the continuous splendor of great wonders; nor by great prophets and notorious theologians; but by my Grandfather, who in the simplicity of his life repeated to me what he was taught by his elders. And I do the same with my children.
I certainly have received since my early youth the indirect influence of great philosophers, but the truth is that the influence of my Grandfather plays the role of my main foundation.
No demonstrations at the base of my life, no miracles either, but my decision to acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord, just as my Grandfather did. I can tell Him: “where shall I go? You have words of eternal life, and I have decided to follow you”.
Do you think it is demonstrations what your friend the atheist needs? I think he needs your prayers.