Ok, here’s some passages from Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, by Uta Ranke-Heinemann. The book is virulently anti-Catholic, and tends to take the worst possible interpretation of any event or document in the Church’s history. On the plus side, her work is well-researched.
Chapter V, p 74-5.
The prevailing view in Antiquity was Aristotle’s notion that the animation of the masculine fetus did not take place until 40 days after conception, while the female fetus acquired a human soul only 90 days after conception. Before then the fetus had first vegetable, then an animal soul (On the History of Animals 7, 3, 583b). This temporal difference in the genesis of the soul in men and women would not have been simply a matter of time, but of human quality, since the soul belongs to man sooner than it does to woman. The soul, i.e., the essence of humanity, is something masculine rather than something feminine.
A similar idea about the inferiority of women probably underlies the Old Testament: According to Leviticus 12:1-5 a woman is unclean 40 days after the birth of a son, 80 days after the birth of a daughter. The 90 days before the emergence of the female soul in Aristotle and the 80 days of uncleanness in the Old Testament are fused together in Christian tradition, so that a soul was attributed to the female fetus 80 days after conception.