Are you familiar with the foreshadowing in the Old Testament, that points to Christ in the future?
When the Passover happened, and all the first born of Egypt died, the Israelites were set free. They crossed the Red Sea on dry land.
My own thoughts are that we have witnessed the death of the first born of Egypt by the slaughter of unborn babies.
Perhaps our Lord is coming soon. Perhaps we are close to the time that Moses (Christ) gathers His people, and we cross to the other side. We should always be ready though, as if He was coming for us tonight.
When the Passover happened, and all the first born of Egypt died, the Israelites were set free. They crossed the Red Sea on dry land.
My own thoughts are that we have witnessed the death of the first born of Egypt by the slaughter of unborn babies.
Perhaps our Lord is coming soon. Perhaps we are close to the time that Moses (Christ) gathers His people, and we cross to the other side. We should always be ready though, as if He was coming for us tonight.