Then I will await your proof of gravitational theory.
Are you kidding me ? I state correctly that in science there are both theories and facts and you respond by demanding proof of one theory as though nothing is proven unless that one theory is? I hope you can make a more logical case than that or we need not go on.
There were none in the post I replied to. I have asked for this from several different posters and I am still waiting for scientific evidence against evolution.
Modem genetics, breeding experiments, and the complete lack of proof in the fossil record are solid scientific arguments. The fact the you refuse to accept them does not make them go away.
As long as we don’t have fossil remains of every single animal that ever lived, we will have gaps. Are you suggesting that no scientific theory is valid if there are gaps in the knowledge? What scientific theory do you know of that has absolutely no gaps?
Here is where you are confused. My point is that evolution is just that, a theory, not a proven fact. You acknowledge that in the preceeding sentence yet you still insist that it is fact. You contradict your own argument.
The one from Stephen Stanley and the one from the biologist from the AMNH. You posted quotes from these two individuals. I would like a source of those quotes so that I can see in what context they were made.
The quote from Stanley is from a paper he wrote on macroevolution and published through Johns Hopkins. It is not online but is available for purchase from many sources. Stanley is an adherent to the theory of “punctuated equilibrium” devised by Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University and Niles Eldredge of the American Museum of Natural History.
They recognized and courageously acknowledged the fact that what is shown in the fossil record is that species emerged suddenly, and stayed fixed for millions of years without undergoing any changes. This often ignored fact of paleontology shows that living species exist with no evolutionary processes behind them. All evolutionary chains were based on non-existant “intermediate forms”.
This fact was ignored for many years by some paleontologists, who kept hoping that imaginary “intermediate forms” would one day be found. In the 1970s, some paleontologists accepted
that this was an unfounded hope, that the gaps in the fossil record had to be accepted as a reality and they tried to explain this reality by modifying the theory. The theory of “punctuated equilibrium” was the result.
This theory was actually a modified form of the “Hopeful Monster” theory put forward by the German paleontologist Otto Schindewolf in the 1930s. Schindewolf suggested that living things
evolved not, as Darwinism had proposed, gradually over time through small mutations, but suddenly through giant ones. When giving examples of his theory, Schindewolf claimed that the
first bird in history had emerged from a reptile egg by a huge mutation-in other words, through a giant, coincidental change in genetic structure. According to this theory, some
land animals might have suddenly turned into giant whales through a comprehensive change that they underwent. This fantastic theory of Schindewolf’s was taken up and defended by geneticist Richard Goldschmidt but the theory was so inconsistent that it was quickly abandoned.
The factor that obliged Gould and Eldredge to embrace this theory again was that the fossil record is undeniably at odds with the Darwinistic notion of step by step evolution through
minor changes. The fact of stasis and sudden emergence in the record was so empirically well supported that they had to resort to a more refined version of the “hopeful monster” theory
again to explain the only possible chance that evolution of any type could occur. Gould’s famous article “Return of the Hopeful Monster” stated this.
Well then please report me to the moderators if you don’t like my characterization of people who keep making claims that they should know are false.
I do not whine to moderators, I expect people to be able to act properly without chastisement. That description sounds incredibly like yourself. As shown above you are arguing against facts that you ackowledge.
I thought you said earlier in your post that you don’t use fundamentalist sites? How do you look at both sides without using those sites? Again, I am interested in your scientific sources that don’t accept evolution.
Here you admit your belief that “fundamentalists” are the only ones who recognize the invalidity of Darwinian evolution and simultaneously expose the fact that you are not well-read in any source other than the ones that you choose to believe.
I see no point in continuing until you have read up on opposition to your beliefs as I have in reading through the information presented by talkorigins and other evolutionist sites.
Be well.