Do you believe in evolution?

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Pope Francis supporting or not supporting evolution is irrelevant really. If he puts forth a compelling case for it or against theologically of course we should listen to that, but he’s not a scientist and this is simply his own opinion.
So who is more trustworthy? Benedict XVI or Francis? I liked Benedict more, so I’m sticking with his support for intelligent design.
Genetic material, in all but very unusual cases, is passed on by descent. You get your genes from your parents. All living things share genetic material. Therefore all living things are related by descent. Therefore evolution is a fact. How it happens continues to be debated and our understanding improved.

Why would God create humans by such a bizarre process? A good question. But logically more challenging to the idea of a creator God than to the existence of evolution.

We know more about how evolution works than we do about how gravity works. But both are facts.
There’s evolution and there’s evolution. Small changes within species over time are observable fact, even divergence of species into multiples species. I accept that, of course. Evolution from common descent I do not accept as I’ve seen no evidence for it. I definitely do not accept the most common definition of the word evolution, that is, a blind process of gradual improvement from a most basic life form (which appeared nobody can explain how exactly) to the multitude of complex life we now see.
My reasons:
1.Mathematically it is impossible. Some will say extremely improbable, but it is the kind of extremely improbable that is the same as saying impossible.
2. The evidence for this narrative simply does not exist.
3. The obvious, unmistakable evidence that life is designed.
4. The overwhelming complexity of life, down to the tiniest systems in an organism
That’s a few reasons.
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My reasons:
1.Mathematically it is impossible. Some will say extremely improbable, but it is the kind of extremely improbable that is the same as saying impossible.
2. The evidence for this narrative simply does not exist.
3. The obvious, unmistakable evidence that life is designed .
4. The overwhelming complexity of life, down to the tiniest systems in an organism
That’s a few reasons.
Clearly all those Experts who reached contrary conclusions must not be very clever!
I used to, but now I’m more and more convinced that evolution makes no sense. Its supporters want us to believe that the Earth is 13 billion years old, it’s such an amazing number which is certainly not true.
You’re right - 13 billion years is not correct. In fact the best estimates for the age of the earth is about 4.54 billion years. But mind you, the margin of error is thought to be +or- 50 million years.

Your difficulty in grasping the enormity of this should not be a basis for declaring it not the work of God.
Appeal to authority. There are also scientists who take my position. It is the arguments and the evidence themselves that should be debated, not the size of the brains of the “experts”.
You’re right - 13 billion years is not correct. In fact the best estimates for the age of the earth is about 4.54 billion years. But mind you, the margin of error is thought to be +or- 50 million years.

Your difficulty in grasping the enormity of this should not be a basis for declaring it not the work of God.
4.54 billion years hoax has no enormity.

Things only start because of time, but ‘Time’ starts because of…!!!
Appeal to authority. There are also scientists who take my position. It is the arguments and the evidence themselves that should be debated, not the size of the brains of the “experts”.
Seriously? Weight of expertise counts for nothing? Do you diagnose your own medical conditions too?
I didn’t say it “counts for nothing”. I listed my disagreements, you said “experts”. Thus an appeal to authority. I do not diagnose my medical conditions, however I do not relinquish my intellect and it’s ability to understand either my own health or the science of evolution into the all-knowing hands of others, blindly. Science is not the exclusive domain of scientists. We can all understand it, and debate it. And if we cannot, as that’s for the “experts”, then something is wrong.
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Just yesterday I was on the sand dunes on the Outer Banks, sifting it through my fingers and gliding my feet through it, and I thought about how long it took for it to form for me to be where I am, and I thought “Patience, love.”
Yes, hoax.
My presumption is that God is why time and everything else exists. I find no need to disregard the best available scientific observations of how the universe has evolved, or the timeframes involved.
I said, anything has a beginning and end or a start and finish because of time, why do you think ‘Time’ itself started?
God or science, your answer is not convincing.
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Thus an appeal to authority.
You say that as if it is a basis to pay no heed to weight of expertise. I disagree.
I do not relinquish my intellect and it’s ability to understand either my own health or the science of evolution into the all-knowing hands of others, blindly.
Nor do I. Accepting that it is very likely the earth is around 4.5bill years old does not require any of that!
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I don’t believe there is any “convincing” argument yo that. “God as creator” is sll I’ve got on that one.
But you are fully convinced that the earth is 4.54 b years?!

1.Time/Age and all the measurements (volume/ weight…) are nothing more than our way of putting our own experience to perspective, to help us in all the ways we know how.
  1. Nothing is real, only our consciousness is.
You can not claim ‘Time’ started. The statement is wrong.
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Lol this is such a silly argument. This will be my last post.
Thus an appeal to authority.
You say that as if it is a basis to pay no heed to weight of expertise. I disagree.
No, I do not say it like that. I said your argument was an appeal to authority.
Nor do I. Accepting that it is very likely the earth is around 4.5bill years old does not require any of that!
At no point did I raise the point of the age of the earth. I accept that it is very old. 🤷‍♂️
First answer is that evolution is not a matter of belief, but a matter of examining the evidence. That’s how science works.

Second answer is related to
Can evolutionists ever debunk this?
and is “yes, they have been debunked many times by many people”. And yet others keep trotting them out over and over.
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