Your “believe” is the wrong word. Evolution is science, and belief plays a very small role in science. Science is driven by the evidence. There is a huge amount of scientific evidence for evolution, which has grown over the years since 1859 when Darwin published. As new evidence has emerged that new evidence has been added to the theory, modifying it in the process.
In the early 20th century Mendel’s genetics was incorporated. In the 1950s Kimura’s Neutral Theory was added, together with a large and growing amount of evidence from DNA sequencing of many organisms. In the early 21st century a part of Professor Behe’s work on Irreducible Complexity was incorporated, making a small improvement in the theory.
We have observed new species evolving, see de Vries (1905) for an early example. So far we have no observation of any deity directly creating a new species. If you want to make an impact on science then you need evidence, not belief.