Do you believe in evolution?

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Logical evidence indicates that Vishnu is either necessary or contingent. If he does not possess fulness of being, then he is contingent.
God can use indirect methods, yes.
But no physical, indirect method, can create the spiritual, rational, immortal soul of a human being.
Humans emerged from a random process.
Evolution does not say that. Evolution includes natural selection, and natural selection is not a random process. That is the reason why the all too common “tornado in a junkyard” calculations produced by creationists are mostly ignored. They start from a faulty premise and so give a faulty result: GIGO.

Yes, mutations are random with respect to their effects. But the output from the filter of natural selection is not random. Pass random size grains of grit and sand through a sieve. What passes through is no longer random.
And your evidence that Vishnu is not necessary is…?
Oh I see. Well, then. Vishnu=God. 🙂

In that case the Hindu scientist and the Catholic scientist can agree on ontological grounds.
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Evolution includes natural selection, and natural selection is not a random process.
I disagree. The fact that we do not know what happened in the past is due to the randomness of environmental factors. Natural selection does not proceed in a determinate (straight-line) manner.
Random mutations, plus random environmental conditions means that evolutionary outputs are random.
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And your evidence that Vishnu is not necessary is…?
It’s a matter of dependencies, and I think in a polytheistic cosmos then Vishnu is dependent upon factors outside of himself.

If however, the argument is that Vishnu is necessary, then something has to be said about the origin of immaterial forms, as well as the origin of the universe in relation to Vishnu. But I think in the Hindu cosmology, the universe is independent of Vishnu.
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Random mutations, plus random environmental conditions means that evolutionary outputs are random.
Just because a component of a process is random doesn’t make the entire process random. Any given card game that shuffles cards is ‘random’ but the outcomes are not. In those cases you have intelligence involved but it can be any non-random selection pressure.
But no physical, indirect method, can create the spiritual, rational, immortal soul of a human being.
Evolution explains the formation of the material bodies of living organisms. That is all. Evolution does not explain many things: chemical valency or the orbit of the moon round the earth for example. There is a great deal that evolution does not explain, theology included.
Is it bad that I’m agnostic on evolution and couldn’t care less?
It means you are denying yourself access to the one understanding that is key to knowledge of all living things and how they came to be. I’d say that was bad, yes.
Just because a component of a process is random doesn’t make the entire process random.
Mathematically - whenever your formula includes a random variable, then the output is a random entity. Evolution has at least two random variables.
Any given card game that shuffles cards is ‘random’ but the outcomes are not. In those cases you have intelligence involved but it can be any non-random selection pressure.
I’m not following this. You have randomization, but to make the results non-random you need intelligent design, as you point out. Selection pressure, as I said, is randomized by environment. It does not occur in a deterministic (non-random way).
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Do you believe it is counter to the existence of God or his creation of the universe?
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Do you believe in evolution?

No. I don’t accept the claims of evolution. I do not see how it can be reconciled with what we know about God through revelation and the Church.
What? Has the churched addressed this issue? What did she say?
Did God create human beings? Evolution says “no”. Humans emerged from a random process.
Why do you assume that God’s means of creation must be distinguishable from a random process filtered by natural selection? Why do you think we could tell the difference?
The theory of evolution implies randomness. It implies millions and millions of “wrong guesses”. God is not a God of randomness and chaos, of a world that may work out but probably won’t. We see design all around us but some have already decided against God and therefore design is not an option.
Sorry I didn’t realise you’d asked me a question my post wasn’t directed at you. Which question?
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If God was necessary to the process, but evolution explains the process without God, then evolution is false.
No scientific theory attributes a role to God. Therefore all scientific theories are false?
Sorry I didn’t realise you’d asked me a question my post wasn’t directed at you. Which question?
Your post is not directed at any poster but because it immediately followed mine, I took it to be a response to mine.
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