No. I am pretty indifferent to it. The most important thing is living a moral life. Truly, all other things are secondary.
It doesn’t sound like stirring the potI have a question concerning evolution and reproduction. The very earliest creatures reproduced by splitting in two. The latest most complex creatures reproduce by sex. How did this process come about? How did a species evolve from splitting into two, to requiring sex to reproduce?
Please understand that it not my intention to “stir the pot” as it were. I’m genuinely interested in seeing what evolution says about this.
If I roll a fair die six million times I will get approximately one million rolls of six. A better statistician that I can also give you the confidence interval expected. Even random events are to some extent predictable. Yes, there is a random element to evolution, but parts of it are predictable. For example, it is easy to predict that the proportion of people with genetic resistance to Covid-19 will increase in the human population. That is the effect of natural selection.I disagree. The fact that we do not know what happened in the past is due to the randomness of environmental factors. Natural selection does not proceed in a determinate (straight-line) manner.
Random mutations, plus random environmental conditions means that evolutionary outputs are random.
Start by looking at horizontal gene transfer in bacteria. Sexual reproduction started as a more organised and efficient version of HGT. Initially between equal individuals. Then some individuals started to specialise in egg production perhaps as a hermaphrodite species or changing role at different times. As the mechanisms and machinery became more complex so it was easier to specialise for a lifetime, rather than try to do both or to change from one to the other.I have a question concerning evolution and reproduction. The very earliest creatures reproduced by splitting in two. The latest most complex creatures reproduce by sex. How did this process come about? How did a species evolve from splitting into two, to requiring sex to reproduce?
Evolution claims to have an explanation of the origin of human beings. Not just material bodies. Now, if evolution claims that human beings are only material bodies, then evolution is false. If evolution claims it can explain the origin of human beings without reference to the immaterial soul, then evolution is false.Evolution explains the formation of the material bodies of living organisms. That is all.
This assumes that evolution and common descent from bacteria to humans is true. I do not accept that assumption.Every single one of your ancestors for trillions of generations, all the way back to that first just-about-alive cell has succeeded in reproducing.
We assume that it is predictable, but we have not been able to show it.Yes, there is a random element to evolution, but parts of it are predictable.
The origin of human beings is something where God has a direct causal presence. That’s why evolution is different from other sciences.No scientific theory attributes a role to God. Therefore all scientific theories are false?
And you are certain that you can recognise that causal presence?The origin of human beings is something where God has a direct causal presence.
The Holy Church has taught me the truth on this matter.And you are certain that you can recognise that causal presence?
Ah, I see. So your objection to the theory is that it does not address the soul? Aside from that, you could live with it as an explanation for the evolution of the physical forms of plants and animals through the ages?The Holy Church has taught me the truth on this matter.
God creates directly, ex nihilo, the human rational, immortal soul.
Your understanding of evolution is incorrect. Science deals with the material, not the immaterial, such as the soul.Evolution claims to have an explanation of the origin of human beings. Not just material bodies.
It is not an assumption, there is a great deal of supporting evidence.This assumes that evolution and common descent from bacteria to humans is true. I do not accept that assumption.
You have not been reading the scientific literature. There are plenty of predictions from evolution:We assume that it is predictable, but we have not been able to show it.
These findings, together with the limited pathology of HbAC and HbCC compared to the severely disadvantaged HbSS and HbSC genotypes and the low betaS gene frequency in the geographic epicentre of betaC, support the hypothesis that, in the long term and in the absence of malaria control, HbC would replace HbS in central West Africa.
Haemoglobin C Protects Against Clinical Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria.
So, God did not have a “direct causal presence” in the origin of the universe and cosmology is fine without mentioning God. You might want to rethink you attitude to a great deal of science. Or are you trying to tell us that God did not create the universe?The origin of human beings is something where God has a direct causal presence. That’s why evolution is different from other sciences.
A valid question. It’s importance is lost on most.Well, 4.5 b years which is supposedly a portion of time can not have evidence if time remains undefined.
What is Time?