1 - Evolution does not say that God was not involved; it only describes the process, but does not necessarily insist on randomness. Evolution cannot speak to God either pro or con as God is outside the theory and of science as a whole.
Evolution either describes the process correctly or it does not.
If God was necessary to the process, but evolution explains the process without God, then evolution is false.
2 - Evolution says absolutely nothing about the soul as it, like God, is outside its area. God and souls cannot be measured by Man and so are not proper subjects for science.
Evolution claims to give a full explanation of the origin of human beings.
The soul is an essential element of a human being.
Evolution explains the origin of a human being, without referencing this essential element.
Therefore, evolution’s explanation of the origin of human life is false (since all humans possess a soul, an essential characteristic of human life, without which we cannot understand what a human is).
3 - Evolution does not deny the necessity of God to human development, nor does it affirm His necessity. God is simply not part of the theory as God cannot be measured and is therefor not a subject that any science as we know it today can investigate.
Evolution gives a theory for the development of all life on earth.
Here, you are saying that “God is not part of that theory”. So, God is not necessary in the development of all life on earth.
Otherwise, as I believe - God is necessary and since evolution claims to understand the development and creation of human life, without God being a part of it - then evolution is wrong.