Do you believe you are worthy to see the face of Christ? Are you free from all sin? I know I myself am not worthy to see the face of Jesus, yet I try to live a good life, not hurt anyone, etc…but these venial sins keep creeping up on me.
Do you believe we see the face of Christ when we die? Or does He send others to get our souls and bring them to wherever that may be.
“Lord I am not worthy to recieve you but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” does this sound familiar?
Catholics experience Jesus presence in the Mass, body, blood, soul and divinty for: 2 Peter 1:4 we are partakers of his divine nature, here on earth. At death, O’ death where is your sting, for those who believe. Dont fear for fear is of the evil one.
No one is worthy to see the face of Jesus this we confess at Mass, when heaven and earth meet.
At death, comes the personal judgement determines if you died in the state of Grace go to heaven, if venial (sin that is not deadly) sin, to purgatory to have your sins purged from your soul to present yourself clean and unblemished before the throne of God, if you pass away in mortal ( deadly sin) or unconfessed mortal sins your soul goes to Hell, to await the General assembly judgement when all will be given eternal bodies to live eternally with God, or eternally in hell.
At death, it is my hope and prayer that Jesus will touch me and awaken me from my sleep as he did John please read the following…
Revelations 1:17… When I caught sight of him, I fell down at his feet as though DEAD. He TOUCHED ME with his right hand (wow the right hand of God, Jesus, in paranthesis mine) and said, “DO NOT BE AFRAID. I am the first and the last, the one who lives. Once I was dead, (can you imagine Jesus telling you he experienced the death you just did, wow

aranthesis mine Sorry cant help the good news) but now I am alive forever and ever. I hold the keys to death and the netherworld.”
“Dont be afraid, cast out your nets into the deep” .(John Paul the Great)