Do you believe you are worthy to see the face of Christ?

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Do you believe you are worthy to see the face of Christ? Are you free from all sin? I know I myself am not worthy to see the face of Jesus, yet I try to live a good life, not hurt anyone, etc…but these venial sins keep creeping up on me.
Do you believe we see the face of Christ when we die? Or does He send others to get our souls and bring them to wherever that may be.
Do you believe you are worthy to see the face of Christ? Are you free from all sin? I know I myself am not worthy to see the face of Jesus, yet I try to live a good life, not hurt anyone, etc…but these venial sins keep creeping up on me.
Do you believe we see the face of Christ when we die? Or does He send others to get our souls and bring them to wherever that may be.
None of us are worthy but his death makes us worthy for we have become the sons and daugthers of God by the Spirit that we recieved from Jesus. The Spirit of adoption that makes us say, “Abba” to God. We may not know how to say it, may not know how to face Jesus, but the Holy Spirit will arise in our hearts and say to our spirit in a groan, that yes, we are worthy to face Jesus.

The greatness of our God. A Father who will not forsake his children.

Of my ownself, no, I am not worthy. But I have the righteousness of Jesus Christ as a free gift, and in that I have the courage, cloaked in the rightiousness of Christ, to approach the very throne of the Most High God.
very interesting question;; it could be angels retrive our souls. my guardian angel dear now i lay me down to sleep i pray my soul you to keep if i should die i pray for you my soul to take.from the book of Apocalypse 21:4 And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes… no mention if He is to use the back of His hand to wipe those tears off one’s face which in my case i feel would be apporiate because of those very same reasons mentioned in the opening post.😃
Only through Christ is anyone worthy of this. We become worthy by accepting Christ as our personal Savior through faith alone. Then God makes those who are saved worthy by the blood of Christ applyed to us.
None of us are worthy but his death makes us worthy for we have become the sons and daugthers of God by the Spirit that we recieved from Jesus. The Spirit of adoption that makes us say, “Abba” to God. We may not know how to say it, may not know how to face Jesus, but the Holy Spirit will arise in our hearts and say to our spirit in a groan, that yes, we are worthy to face Jesus.

The greatness of our God. A Father who will not forsake his children.

This may sound like a stupid question, but I’ll ask anyway. Do you think Hitler, Judas, Stahlin, Saddam etc…do you think they saw the face of christ if you say we all are worthy to face Jesus?
Someone told me once that hell is when you die, and you see the face of Jesus, but He just keeps passing you by until you scream nooooooo!! And you never again see Him after that. Of course no one knows but it kind of makes sense anyway.
Only through Christ is anyone worthy of this. We become worthy by accepting Christ as our personal Savior through faith alone. Then God makes those who are saved worthy by the blood of Christ applyed to us.
There is that word “personal” again…honestly, no disrespect, but if you can quote me a Scripture passage with the word “personal” in it, I’ll be happy.
This may sound like a stupid question, but I’ll ask anyway. Do you think Hitler, Judas, Stahlin, Saddam etc…do you think they saw the face of christ if you say we all are worthy to face Jesus?
Someone told me once that hell is when you die, and you see the face of Jesus, but He just keeps passing you by until you scream nooooooo!! And you never again see Him after that. Of course no one knows but it kind of makes sense anyway.
Not stupid, rather silly though, but a valid question any case. 🙂

Yes, they will see the face of the great Judge and King. All of us. Knowing that this will be a certainty, we are all forewarned on how to live our lives here, on earth.

The information in your second paragraph is news to me. …
I believe that if Christ deems me worthy enough to actually receive His glorified flesh and blood into my body, then I do not think He will have any problem with me seeng His face when I finally reach perfection and attain heaven where nothing unclean shall enter.

I believe that if Christ deems me worthy enough to actually receive His glorified flesh and blood into my body, then I do not think He will have any problem with me seeng His face when I finally reach perfection and attain heaven where nothing unclean shall enter.

Praise God. :bowdown2: :signofcross:
Do you believe you are worthy to see the face of Christ? Are you free from all sin? I know I myself am not worthy to see the face of Jesus, yet I try to live a good life, not hurt anyone, etc…but these venial sins keep creeping up on me.
Do you believe we see the face of Christ when we die? Or does He send others to get our souls and bring them to wherever that may be.
“Lord I am not worthy to recieve you but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” does this sound familiar?

Catholics experience Jesus presence in the Mass, body, blood, soul and divinty for: 2 Peter 1:4 we are partakers of his divine nature, here on earth. At death, O’ death where is your sting, for those who believe. Dont fear for fear is of the evil one.

No one is worthy to see the face of Jesus this we confess at Mass, when heaven and earth meet.

At death, comes the personal judgement determines if you died in the state of Grace go to heaven, if venial (sin that is not deadly) sin, to purgatory to have your sins purged from your soul to present yourself clean and unblemished before the throne of God, if you pass away in mortal ( deadly sin) or unconfessed mortal sins your soul goes to Hell, to await the General assembly judgement when all will be given eternal bodies to live eternally with God, or eternally in hell.

At death, it is my hope and prayer that Jesus will touch me and awaken me from my sleep as he did John please read the following…

Revelations 1:17… When I caught sight of him, I fell down at his feet as though DEAD. He TOUCHED ME with his right hand (wow the right hand of God, Jesus, in paranthesis mine) and said, “DO NOT BE AFRAID. I am the first and the last, the one who lives. Once I was dead, (can you imagine Jesus telling you he experienced the death you just did, wow:paranthesis mine Sorry cant help the good news) but now I am alive forever and ever. I hold the keys to death and the netherworld.”

“Dont be afraid, cast out your nets into the deep” .(John Paul the Great)
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