Do you belong to a movement?

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Can anyone suggest some Catholic organizations that a working person might consider joining?

For example, there is:
Regnum Christi
Opus Dei

I think I need something that is more focused on prayer – as opposed to actively going out and trying to evangelize people and “preach the Gospel fearlessly”. For some reason, I can’t do that. Guess it’s not part of my make-up.

I take part in Adoration, and I attend a monthly book discussion, but now I think I am looking for a little more…

Can anyone suggest some Catholic organizations that a working person might consider joining?

For example, there is:
Regnum Christi
Opus Dei

I think I need something that is more focused on prayer – as opposed to actively going out and trying to evangelize people and “preach the Gospel fearlessly”. For some reason, I can’t do that. Guess it’s not part of my make-up.

I take part in Adoration, and I attend a monthly book discussion, but now I think I am looking for a little more…

Dear friend

I am currently in formation as a Third Order Carmelite, one of the charisms of this order is prayer, to live in constant prayer before the Lord our God, that life itself is prayer. Try reading some of the writings of St Therese ‘Story of a Soul’ and St Teresa of Avila, ‘Interior Castle’ both were Carmelite nuns. Plus St John of the Cross and the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ Also read any Scripture pertaining to Elijah, e.g Kings

There are many ways to win souls for God and prayer is definitely one of them, God looks graciously on the soul that speaks to Him constantly, a person does not necessarily have to be active in conversion, such as evangelising by directly talking to people, God directly talks to the soul and prayer for Him to do this ( for God to bring about conversion to and in faith) is just as powerful.

A life also openly lead in prayer within your Catholic community greatly strengthens the faith of others around you. If you are so bold and couragious to pray and stay and pray after Mass, if you are so bold and couragious to set up MORE Eucharistic adoration in your parish, without directly evangelising, but indirectly, you are evangelising and strengthening the faith and converting within faith and strengthening and deepening those around you.

God Bless you for your meekness and gentleness of spirit

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

what are the “Oblates”?

and is there a “Third Order” for Franciscans?

Thank you so much for your reply!
How can I find out more about the Third Order of Carmelites?

Would this website help me to learn more? Or is there another, that you recommend?

Dear friend

This site is good for getting to learn more about the Carmelite Order, but if you are considering a life of prayer, I would speak to your Priest and ask Him for the list of the Directory of Orders within your local area , of Carmelites, contact the Order that is nearest to you and speak to them, ask to meet with them and discuss their spirituality.

**It is essential you find the right order for your spirituality. **Otherwise you are not at HOME in God, you must ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern and you must pray and pray and pray and when you think you have prayed enough, pray some more!!! Pray before the Blessed Sacrament and ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to help you discern your course in Him. Take heart there are many rooms in God’s house and a place for you is there as certain as day is day and night is night, there is no doubt in this. God is calling you to Him in deeper union with Him, take heed and answer His call, but discern that it is not your will but God’s will and discern where He wants you to be, because where He wants you to be may not be where YOU think He wants you to be!!!🙂

So don’t ignore His call, don’t put it off or delay…make an appointment with your Priest and discuss it with Him and ask for a list of ALL orders within your Diocese.

In Carmelite orders you must also have a devotion to the Rosary and to the Blessed Mother Mary, a deep love and devotion to her. Attend daily Mass but if not possible 2 or 3 times a week and if you cannot do this it is not a sin to be unable to (say a child of yours is sick etc)

I was extermely blessed by God and found the right order straight away, immediately I knew this is where I should be and this was the right order for my spirituality, but dear friend, you need to pray and pray and pray and find the right one for YOU

I will keep you in my prayers for discernment and for your spiritual happiness

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thank you so much, you’ve been very helpful.

God bless you! I send my Guardian Angel to tell you personally, thank you! 🙂
please, not too much movement before dinner, and definitely no movement after dinner. oh, you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant: rules for political protestors, draft dodgers and others-- If one person does it he’s a nut and they lock him up. If two people do it, they think their both gay, and they won’t take either one of them, but if 3 people do it, then we got ourselves a movement. Oh you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant. pay no attention, just call it Silly Songs with Annie
Can anyone suggest some Catholic organizations that a working person might consider joining?

For example, there is:
Regnum Christi
Opus Dei

I think I need something that is more focused on prayer – as opposed to actively going out and trying to evangelize people and “preach the Gospel fearlessly”. For some reason, I can’t do that. Guess it’s not part of my make-up.

I take part in Adoration, and I attend a monthly book discussion, but now I think I am looking for a little more…

How about the Knights of Columbus?
please, not too much movement before dinner, and definitely no movement after dinner. oh, you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant: rules for political protestors, draft dodgers and others-- If one person does it he’s a nut and they lock him up. If two people do it, they think their both gay, and they won’t take either one of them, but if 3 people do it, then we got ourselves a movement. Oh you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant. pay no attention, just call it Silly Songs with Annie
Dear friend

What on earth are you talking about? The Carmelite Order is a recognised order of the church???what on earth are you trying to say?

Discouragement is not the work of God, encouragement in the Holy Spirit is the work of God, encouragement towards God is a work of holiness, what are YOU talking about??? Please tell me because i have no idea of your motive nor where you are leading with your clever statement, but I am sure it must have some sense and I would like to understand.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


I, and my 2 brothers are cooperators in Opus Dei. I am single, but my brothers have 6 & 2 kids- so far.The priests are very knowledgeable and holy. I have been seeing a priest of Opus Dei for spiritual direction for 15 yrs now. He will hear my confession almost any time, within reason. So you have access to confession most days if you need it. Members of Opus Dei have started many schools, colleges etc around here, in Sydney. And so Opus Dei, indirectly is not only looking ater us brothers. But is educating our children from start to finish. And these schools are fantastic. The kids get top grades, and they usually grow up to be devout Catholics. And when you consider that 98% of kids leaving Catholic schools here leave the faith too. Thats not bad.
Opus Dei spirituality may well be for you. Maybe not. Have you taken a look at their founder St Josemaria’ s writings and official website?
Check out the following links- this is His writings. official site. a bulletin site.
Dear friend

What on earth are you talking about? The Carmelite Order is a recognised order of the church???what on earth are you trying to say?

Discouragement is not the work of God, encouragement in the Holy Spirit is the work of God, encouragement towards God is a work of holiness, what are YOU talking about??? Please tell me because i have no idea of your motive nor where you are leading with your clever statement, but I am sure it must have some sense and I would like to understand.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I have to admit, puzzleannie’s post cracked me up because…well…maybe it’s just something that you need to live in the US at Thanksgiving time to understand!
The song “Alice’s Restaurant” by Arlo Guthrie is what she’s talking about–her post is from a part of the well-known song that refers to an “Alice’s Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement.”
Here’s a link to the lyrics:
Her post was probably intended for a little comic relief, but not at anyone’s expense, I’m sure!
I have to admit, puzzleannie’s post cracked me up because…well…maybe it’s just something that you need to live in the US at Thanksgiving time to understand!
The song “Alice’s Restaurant” by Arlo Guthrie is what she’s talking about–her post is from a part of the well-known song that refers to an “Alice’s Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement.”
Here’s a link to the lyrics:
Her post was probably intended for a little comic relief, but not at anyone’s expense, I’m sure!
Dear friend

Well I must look like I have no sense of humour, but I had no idea at all what on earth she was on about being totally ignorant to alice’s restaurant and all this pertaining to Thanksgiving LOL:rotfl: …now I owe you, Puzzleannie a huge apology …I am really sorry, your great joke was wasted on my total ignorance, but I assure you I have a sense of humour, just my knowledge is lacking !!! Sorry for asking you in personal message if you were drunk…good grief, this gets funnier and funnier…(laughing my socks off here in the UK !!!)

Much love to you Annie

God Bless you all and much love and peace to you

what are the “Oblates”?

and is there a “Third Order” for Franciscans?

Hi CB,

To answer your question. In the general sense, an oblate is someone (lay or clerical) associate of a particular order, who is associated with a particular monastery. Probably the largest group are associated with the Benedictines (I’m just guessing here) or “Oblates of St. Benedict (O.S.B.)” You’d have to find a monastery in your area and contact them on the particulars.

As for the Franciscans, yes they have third orders. Sorry, but I’m not sure if you’re a man or a woman, so I’ll post what I know about them for men. Specifically, there are the Third Order Regulars (T.O.R.) and the Third Order Seculars (Secular Franciscan Order, S.F.O). The difference is (as far as I can tell) is that (I believe) the TOR’s actually take vows, while the SFO is for those who want to live in the way of St. Francis, but without taking vows. If you are called to a more communal life, but want to remain in the world, then I would look towards the TOR’s. If, however, you want to remain in your current life while enhancing your spirituality according to St. Francis, then the SFO’s might be more for you.

Again, I’m no expert so I hope someone more knowledgale will correct me if I’m wrong. Otherwise, I hope this helps 🙂
Oh you can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant.
The Three men I admrie the most,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;
They all took the last train to the coast,
The day the music died.

(Just another oldies reference.)

I used to be a member in good standing
of western civilization, but I guess that club
is breaking up.

Sorry to get off topic again…
John Russell Jr:

I, and my 2 brothers are cooperators in Opus Dei. I am single, but my brothers have 6 & 2 kids- so far.The priests are very knowledgeable and holy. I have been seeing a priest of Opus Dei for spiritual direction for 15 yrs now. He will hear my confession almost any time, within reason. So you have access to confession most days if you need it. Members of Opus Dei have started many schools, colleges etc around here, in Sydney. And so Opus Dei, indirectly is not only looking ater us brothers. But is educating our children from start to finish. And these schools are fantastic. The kids get top grades, and they usually grow up to be devout Catholics. And when you consider that 98% of kids leaving Catholic schools here leave the faith too. Thats not bad.
Opus Dei spirituality may well be for you. Maybe not. Have you taken a look at their founder St Josemaria’ s writings and official website?
Check out the following links- this is His writings. official site. a bulletin site.
Hi John! I was just going to recommend Opus Dei…I’m a cooperator too! Annunciata:)
Dear friend

What on earth are you talking about? The Carmelite Order is a recognised order of the church???what on earth are you trying to say
my gentle friend Teresa, as I said, just a silly song. The first line is a paraphrase from the Silver Chair by CS Lewis, and the rest of my nonsense is about a song from the 60s about an anti-war movement. I was answering the question of the original post. I was not talking about Carmelites, I can’t imagine why you thought that. I admire Carmelite spirituality so much that I have studied Spanish for 3 years so that I may read St. John of the Cross in the original language.
I am currently in formation as a Third Order Carmelite
I knew it 😃

I could always tell by the way you write that you had the heart of a Carmelite . . . now I know for sure!

I’m an aspirant myself.
Well you might have also been referring to the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

I don’t know if they have lay members but Canadians are particularly grateful to this order for serving Catholics in the North and West.

Many of the missions in British Columbia owe their existence to these pioneering men.

There are still many Oblates in B.C. the Yukon, NWT, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario.

Though there are Oblates elsewhere in Canada I think they tended to go west perhaps because other orders such as the Recollects, Jesuits, etc. were already established here.

An Oblate of Mary priest will have the initials O.M.I. after his name.
I to am an Opus Dei Cooperator. 🙂 I find that their spirituality really resonates with me.

A few years ago now I returned to the practise of the Faith and was looking for a way to develop my spiritual life. I found a book entitled ‘In Conversation With God’ by Fr Francis Fernandez and discovered Opus Dei. 🙂
Hi there,

I’m a cooperator in Sydney. I know David Cartwright, who moved to Melbourne a few years ago. He used to do the circle for us. Have you met him? I read those books too. Great stuff. And glad to see some Aussie cooperators on here.
I to am an Opus Dei Cooperator. 🙂 I find that their spirituality really resonates with me.

A few years ago now I returned to the practise of the Faith and was looking for a way to develop my spiritual life. I found a book entitled ‘In Conversation With God’ by Fr Francis Fernandez and discovered Opus Dei. 🙂
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