@ skelly Lol! Sounds like the gas stations on Dixie Hwy, Bardstown Rd, or any of the major roads connecting with the Watterson Expressway in Louisville, KY. I got hit with the gas scam. A clean-cut and well-spoken guy who exuded integrity and embarrassment said he worked at GE & had run out of gas while trying to get home to Bardstown. Said he could repay me when he received his next check on Friday. The same turkey tried me a second time later that week, on the far side of the city, saying he had to get back to Fort Knox. I later saw him with a boy about 7 in a Kroger parking lot. The kid gave a sad sob story while the dad stayed mainly hidden among cars.
Although I give generously to worthy charities, I do give to all I see, unless I know, without question, that they’re working a scam. “There, but for the grace of God, go I,” and I remember many times when I was a paycheck away from disaster.