Do you ever go to mass more than once on Sunday?

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Do you ever go to mass more than once on Sunday?
Sometimes I go to 2 different churches
On the odd occasion, yes. That’s never a bad thing. That extra Mass, if attended with devotion, will follow you into eternity.
Yes, I typically attend on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning but will attend a second Mass quite often if taking a particular family member who has no other way to attend. This is usually, but not always, at a different church from the one I belong to.
Three as the most when I was on sacristy duty for all of them covering for someone who was on vacation. It is interesting that the homily changes so much when one is a Mass with young children, another a High Mass and last an ordinary Sunday Mass but without music and singing. Same priest for all of them.

A couple of times I have gone twice as the second time was when there was Admissio during the first Sunday in Lent and I was a sponsor.
I don’t anymore. However, I used to be a part of the music ministry at my church and functioned as music player, cantor, and choir member. I think the most masses I ever went to in “one day” was a Christmas where I went to 6 masses. I think that beat out one Easter when I did 5 if I’m remembering correctly. Family always wondered why I was tired and didn’t want to get all excited during the parties.

I’ve been twice on Sunday to go with family members before.
I think my max has been 5 in one day, but I was on staff at the time.
I am attending Saturday evening at one church and Sunday morning at a second
I’m the lay cantor in my parish so I’m at Liturgy every Saturday and Sunday unless there’s a serious reason.

Last week I was 5 minutes late (mea culpa) and no one sang until I started singing.
Yes, I do when I am able to. Not on the same day, since you can only take communion once per day.

If I had more time I would spend it in adoration, it give me peace.
That is permissible, but one is required to fully participate in both masses. However, one should also have a valid reason for attending two masses, i.e. attending with family members who could not attend one of the masses.

A caution: You do not receive “more of Jesus” by attending two masses. Please speak with Father as some who do this (not saying you!) are showing signs of either scrupulosity or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Just speak with Father - maybe at both parishes.
I go to two Masses most Sundays of the school year. I go to a morning Mass which is my normal Mass and the Sundays we have our youth program I attend the Sunday evening Mass with some of the youth. I require the teens in confirmation prep to attend Mass weekly. If their parents don’t take them to Mass, I will.

I am also a EMHC so I may serve at both Masses.
I organise the altar servers at the vigil Mass and at one Mass on Sunday morning.
Yes. I went to 5 masses once because I gave a talk at the masses. It was most interesting to hear the different homilies!
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