Do you ever leave mass early?

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I was going to say only once, but now I remember that was Stations of the Cross. The incense got to me, and I felt really ill.
I can’t imagine leaving for anything other than illness or an emergency.
I usually leave the mass after the final hymn. Not unless, if there’s an emergency case, I’d leave after the priest gives the final blessing. 🙂🙂🙂
I sometimes do if I am with my screaming autistic 6 year old/18 month old. It grieves me though. I wish I didn’t have to. If I had a choice I would stay at least 5 mins to give thanks. For some people it seems almost a custom to leave straight after communicating? Surprises me.
If there is 1)an emergency, or, 2)I just can’t hold it any more. I try to at least wait until the final blessing, if I can. I really prefer not to leave early if I can help it.
I have left Mass early on a handful of occasions. I feel horrible every time. I’m trying to forgive myself, because in reality, I’m doing nothing wrong given the circumstances. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t need to leave early, but I live in a world full of human imperfections and am not immune to the demands of it.

When I have left early, it’s usually because:
  • either I or someone in my immediate care have been ill
  • there’s some emergency that’s come up
  • it’s a work day, and I need to accommodate both Mass and work obligations in my schedule somehow (think both Holy Days of Obligation and/or parochial school children events tied to the Mass).
When I was in the third grade I went on my own to 9:30 mass. They had benediction after mass but I left when mass was ended. I went to my mom’s family house where my 2 unmarried aunts and uncle lived for breakfast. My aunt started asking me why I was there so early as my other aunt went to the same mass and wasn’t home yet. I said that I left after the mass was over. You would have thought I committed a serious sin. You didn’t stay for benediction? You never leave early! Walked out on Jesus! Then when my other aunt came home I heard it all again. Needless to say I don’t leave mass early unless there is a good and sufficient reason. The first person to leave mass early was Judis! I never did get breakfast!
Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Remember that we serve a loving and merciful GOD; and as far as I’m concerned, the reasons you gave were legit.

PS. Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t, and never, encourage anyone to leave mass early. Cheers!
I always stay until the end of Mass, the final blessing, and after the
priest leaves. Sometimes I stay for the final dismissal song, sometimes
I don’t.
I always stay until the end of Mass, the final blessing, and after the
priest leaves. Sometimes I stay for the final dismissal song, sometimes
I don’t.
I was told by my mother that you’re supposed to stay until the priest leaves the altar.

As for me, I’ll leave early if it’s crucial to me catching a train or plane home.
Never. Once I was getting sick and I needed to leave, so I waited until the priest gave the final blessing. But other than that, no.
If I or someone with me was feeling sick then I have left after Communion. I try to stay till the final blessing and priest leaves the altar, but once in a great while I get faint in a hot stuffy church. Also once in a while at daily Mass I have to hurry out to a work meeting.
Usually always stay for final blessing.

I was really tempted to once but did not. It was a parish here that i was visiting…and right before the final blessing they give is a 15 minute lecture on being more faithful to the parish. It was really uncalled for imo.
I stay through the recessional hymn…we sing every verse. That said, I’m not interested in hearing the organist’s “concert” postlude. It’s always very loud and showy and does nothing for my worship, but there are those who stay for it and applaud.
Never. And I get to Church at least 15 minutes early to prayerfully prepare myself.
The only time I slip away early is if the Youth Group is doing a fundraiser and I’m needed at the entry to the church.
My husband, who is non-Catholic, left the church with our screaming infant twins before the Our Father. He told me to stay. I left early, though. He was greatly relieved to see me, because they were still crying and needed to go home.

I have been at the church waiting to go in until Mass was over and decided to come in when I saw a good number of people streaming out. As it turned out, Holy Communion wasn’t even over yet. I have no idea where that many people had to be in such a hurry, but oh well. That was a bit of an eye-opener for me.
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