Do you ever leave mass early?

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How often do you leave mass early?
In four years of attending Mass I have stayed to the very end only once. As a social phobic I cannot bear the thought of being greeted by strangers so I generally leave during communion, if not right after the Lord’s Prayer so I can avoid the sign of peace. I’ve been told this is not good form. At the moment it’s the best I can do.
God bless you! Keep on doing the best you can do. Jesus loves that - no one else’s opinion can hold a candle.
Could you sit right by an exit, so as soon as the final blessing is over you could be the first out the door? Just a friendly suggestion. 🙂
I was going to say only once, but now I remember that was Stations of the Cross.
When I went to Fatima, I went to the stations of the cross site which is just next to the city. I do not know what type of trees grow there but my body had this allergic reaction and I was sneezing like crazy the whole time. That was the fastest stations of the cross I’ve ever done but I didn’t quit.
Sunday Mass? Almost never…I’m sure I have here and there, but I can’t remember any specific instances.

Weekday Mass can be another story…sometimes I have to leave before Mass is over to get to work on time.
I once left mass early because I started shivering uncontrollably for absolutely no reason (or so I thought) and started to feel extremely ill. Turns out I got home and found out I had a fever of 102+.

So once, because I was ill.
I was going to say never…but I have a vague memory of leaving early, no more than that, so can’t even say if it was a Sunday, weekday etc.

But apart from that, no I never leave early.
When I was in the third grade I went on my own to 9:30 mass. They had benediction after mass but I left when mass was ended. I went to my mom’s family house where my 2 unmarried aunts and uncle lived for breakfast. My aunt started asking me why I was there so early as my other aunt went to the same mass and wasn’t home yet. I said that I left after the mass was over. You would have thought I committed a serious sin. You didn’t stay for benediction? You never leave early! Walked out on Jesus! Then when my other aunt came home I heard it all again. Needless to say I don’t leave mass early unless there is a good and sufficient reason. The first person to leave mass early was Judis! I never did get breakfast!
Good heavens. Benediction is NOT Mass, nor close to it, it is a devotional practice like others such as the Rosary. Would they accuse you of ‘walking out on Jesus’ if there has been a group Rosary after Mass and you hadn’t stayed?

The priest says ‘the Mass is ended, go in peace.’ Not 'the Mass is ended but you must stay for Benediction and are an awful person if you don’t"
That’s is what I thought. The point being I was taught that Jesus is really there and I should give Him all my love.
How often do you leave mass early?
In four years of attending Mass I have stayed to the very end only once. As a social phobic I cannot bear the thought of being greeted by strangers so I generally leave during communion, if not right after the Lord’s Prayer so I can avoid the sign of peace. I’ve been told this is not good form. At the moment it’s the best I can do.
So you very seldom receive the Eucharist? @CelticWarlord
Being with the Choir, we sing that last song. Then do Choir announcements in the Choir Loft. Then all have coffee, the Priest often joins us after talking with Parishoners. Woe betide us if the music was poorly!
Used to when I had no idea what was actually occurring in my presence.The Holy Spirit helped immensely with that one.

Did on another occasion when I had to chase down and arrest a person against whom the priest had a court order prohibiting stalking.

Otherwise, never!
When I have to.

Sometimes for work duties

Sometimes to care for my ailing spouse

Sometimes because my own disabilities (pain, over heating) require it.

I’m going to imagine I have some grief “flares” over the next few months that will mean I step out early.
Nope. I’ve said Mass sick before, but I pushed through it and went back to bed when I was done.
From now on, I will pray for you every day. Let no person make you feel lesser because you are doing the best you can.

It is also okay to find a quiet place to sit, maybe ask the Choir director if you can just sit in the loft. Let the musicians and choir know your difficulties, and you will have that place of distance.

Keep your hands folded and head bowed at the sign of peace, that is perfectly okay.
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