Sure, if they are doing their job spiritually. It depends on which needs you mean and how young or old you mean, too. I don’t believe in youth ministry as a substitute for adult church for all ages. The young crave intense experience because they feel closed into a world of illusion and they want to break out into real experience and have effective real lives. Including them is probably better than setting them apart in a childish, lower-standard world. Of course, there are many youth who feel the opposite; they are big fish as long as the pond is small. And the very young don’t always have the patience or knowledge to follow what’s happening in church.
One of the biggest needs of the young (under 19-20) and elderly (ove 80 or so) is transportation to and from church. I have found in my area that people are friendly and willing to help with things like that.
One need of the young can be explanation of the standards of adults. Teenagers sometimes don’t know why their clothes are considered disrespectful. One generation develops a style to shock, the next wears it to be cool and the next wears it because it’s on sale and has no idea it was intended to be rebellious. We older folk can tell them why they should dress differently for church, what is wrong with some of their outfits and what they might wear instead.