Do you give money to beggars?

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I live near Washington, D.C. where there are numerous homeless persons on the street begging for money, or just wandering around. Whether it’s in D.C. or in other big cities, I almost always make sure I bring an extra peanut butter sandwich or granola bar or something with me when I go there to give to whomever I encounter. I’ve only had one person turn me down. Most homeless people are very grateful, say thank you, and God Bless when I offer them something to eat.

A few weeks ago my family took a weekend trip to Pittsburgh. We visited the Carnegie Science Center where they were having some kind of children’s day. There were tables set up handing out freebies of all kinds. I got a few packs of McDonalds cookies and some little bags of trail mix. I munched on some trail mix while we were walking around, but when we passed a few homeless vets on the way to a ball game later, I gave out the rest of my freebie cookies and bags of trail mix. I didn’t need them, and they were hungry. They were all very happy to get them.

I do feel guilty when I pass people by on the street and do nothing, and rightly so. It’s especially tough in the winter. When we were in Atlantic City, we passed a guy on the street while on our way to Starbucks. He asked for change, but I turned him down. I felt bad when I was ordering my Latte, so I bought an extra cup of coffee to warm the guy up.

My point is, if you don’t like handing out money, then make sure you bring along some extra food when you visit a big city. If you can afford to buy yourself lunch, then you can afford to buy a little extra while you’re at it.
Depends . . . once there was a woman outside on a freezing, January morning. I passed her on my way into the grocery store. At the store, I bought PNB, bread, and a few other things and gave them to her as I drove by on my way home. I figured only a legitimate beggar would have been out on such a cold morning! She was appreciative.

In the past I didn’t give to them for all the reasons you mentioned and also for fear of my own safety and that of my children.

Somewhere along the line my thoughts changed. I realized I had no right to judge that they might do something “wrong” with the money. I now give them whatever I have in my pocket- which is never more than $10 anyway. :rolleyes:

I try to assume in my heart that the person “begging” 😦 is in true need and that my money will help them in some way, I always say a prayer for them as well.

In addition to charitable work for the poor/needy, I think it is good to give directly to the poor.

There but for the grace of God go I.
Jess, I like that…
And…“Whatsoever you do to the least of My bretheren, that you do unto Me…” Annunciata
When ever I have it to give. I am glad to give it remembering what Christ said do unto the least of my brothers. I don’t always have it, but am glad to help out a needy person/family etc.
I never carry cash, so I typically don’t. I have been thinking about this quite a bit, though. The class divisions in our society (and the world for that matter) really bother me.

The only problem I have is with a couple of people downtown that appear to be very capable of getting a job, but are just looking for a free handout. I have a real problem giving them anything. I hate to reward someone for being lazy.
When I see one I try to go to a fast food restaurant, Wendy’s is my favorite and buy a “value” meal and give it. I have on occasion gotten the meal and when I returned to where the beggar was he’s been gone, and then I ride around “stalking” the beggars to give away the food. Like a scavenge hunt in reverse. My kids harass me unmercifully when I have to hunt the homeless down. I NEVER give cash.
One time I gave a guy standing in the rain an extra umbrella I had in my car. They tend to stand near intersections where I live or freeway on-ramps. I have my Rosary hanging in my car and a Catholic radio sticker on the back. It reminds me to try to do something. I don’t usually carry cash, but I thought maybe I would carry peanut butter sandwiches in a brown bag with a holy card and a note asking them to say a “Hail Mary”. I remember reading an article in a Catholic newspaper that was written by a priest who worked with the homeless. Before he started working with the homeless, he thought most of the panhandlers were cons. After working with the homeless, he had come to the conclusion that all of them were cons (panhandlers not the homeless). Now I can’t see a homeless person without thinking of Fr. Corapi’s experience as a homeless person. He was a drug addict, but he still appreciated an act of mercy. We have a couple of guys who sit by the freeway with a sign that asks for your change for beer. A guy who works at the nearby Safeway says they come in every day to shop with the money they are given. I guess some people find it humorous that they are so honest. I would rather give to someone (not to them!) and risk that they weren’t honest because then it would still be a good deed in the eyes of the Lord. However, I hate to think that the money could have gone to someone who really needed it and didn’t get it. I am also hesitant to roll down my window and risk my children’s security. I do remember reading that St. Charles Borromeo always gave when asked and did not attempt to discern their legitimacy. I’ve even thought of carrying McDonald’s dollars because at least that way you know it would be for food.
Now I carry prayer cards to offer along with a prayer to help the person.

Haven’t had a single beggar since I started carrying the cards though.

Oh the prayer cards I carry are of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph. Could it be they are protecting me now? :hmmm:

Thank you St. Michael and Stl Joseph!

I NEVER pass a beggar without giving him or her what I can. Money, food, encouragement.
It is also extremely important that you look them in the eye, and acknowlege their dignity. Not so much for them, but for yourself.
During the Fall, I go to the local Dollar Store and buy $10.00 worth of umbrellas. I always keep them in my car. When it starts raining, I have them to give homeless folks. They are so appreciative of them.
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