Do You Have A Moral Consultant Or Confidante?

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Annunciata, aren’t they wonderful priests? I am so blown away by their dedication to the Church and the members therin.

They have certainly filled a void in my life by their example, preaching and orthodoxy.

May God bless them all.
The best! Mine is a female Super-Numerary (sp). and I also have a Priest of the Prelature for Confession. Their formation in the Faith is absolutely superb. St. Josemaria the Founder of OD is one of my favorite saints… BTW,through his intercession a miraculous healing of one of my grandchildren came about.
this question reminds me of the “Suzy” filter. daughters had a friend in high school that was always the first to warn that a movie was objectionable, a song trashy, an unsupervised party dangerous, would not tolerate bad language or cruel humor in her presence. If the gang wanted to know whether to see the movie, dance to the music or go to the party, they would always ask Suzy, she was known as someone with a good moral compass. This girl is grown and today is teaching teens on confirmation class, teens who are very, very lucky.
The best! Mine is a female Super-Numerary (sp). and I also have a Priest of the Prelature for Confession. Their formation in the Faith is absolutely superb. St. Josemaria the Founder of OD is one of my favorite saints… BTW,through his intercession a miraculous healing of one of my grandchildren came about.
Truly, they are the best! My spiritual director is a Numerary, and I have a Priest of the Prelature for Confession. We have three Priests available to us, and they are all wonderful.

I thank God for them daily.
The bf… he’s basically me, in male form, so he usually articulates what i already thought to be the right thing to do… he can just explain things more objectively since he’s usually removed from the situation.
I did, then she bolted for SSPX, much to my sadness and irritation.

Other than that, my wife and I act as moral checks for one another.
When I can’t trust myself, I talk to my friends. Sometimes I ask the priest during confession. When I really can’t trust my conscience, I try to employ a rational, logical process without getting sentimental about it.
well, depending on the situation, I first take it to prayer, then to Confession, and then to parents… I love my friends, and take it to them too! The order changes a little with each situation, however, prayer always is first!
I have four…two very close ones Sister and a guy I will call “A”, and then ones more distant, Rocco and woman I will call “O”.

Rocco and “A” are revert and convert, respectivly…I find that really cool…
I am very happy to have a priest for a spiritual director. Most of the time we just chit chat and I am my usual difficult self with a million ideas a minute. But I must say that my priest has definitely given me advice I did not want to hear. And I have trusted his authority to do so. And I have listened. And I have complied. And I am very very happy that I have done so.
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