Do you have a prayer corner or table at home?

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Do you have a prayer corner or table at home, a special place where you say your prayers? If so, could you describe it for us. We might get some good ideas.
I have an icon corner at home where I spend a lot of time in prayer. We have a piano against the wall and I have arranged the icons on the different levels so that it achieves a certain balance. I recently received the St. Damiano Cross(which goes great with the icons since it is Byzantine style!) and I put it on the wall in the middle. Directly under it on the top of the piano is an icon from Greece that is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Farther down in the center is the icon by Theophan the Greek of the Three visitors of Abraham and Sarah(symbolizing the Holy Trinity)To the left of it is an icon of the Virgin Mary with the child Jesus and the to the right is an icon of Jesus. I also include several small statues(the Virgin Mary, a dove, a monk in prayer) and reliefs from a monastery in France. I also keep all my different chotkis and rosaries there along with my Bible. I have a blessed candle to burn during prayer time and an incense holder.

This icon corner has truly become a place of refuge where I can go, hidden from the eyes of the world, to fulfill my Rule of Prayer. There I can close the door and pray to the Father in secret.
I have a small shelf on a wall in one corner with an icon and a statue of Mary. It has hooks and from the hooks hang several rosaries. I often place fresh flowers on the shelf, and at Christmas that is where my three Wise Men from my nativity set stay until Epiphany.

Mine is on my bedroom dresser…statue of our Lady of Grace, she is always with me. on the Wall just above her is a crucifix. A rosary hanging over the mirror and a Chaplet of Devine Mercy rosary with a picture of Divine Mercy “Jesus I trust in you”
It gives me peace at night to fall asleep with all theses icons around me.
I have an old wingback chair in the corner of a seldom used room-I have a small tablke next to it with devotional cnaldes and a censor to burn incense in. i use it when i pray the Hours
I have a corner in my desk with a picture of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, there’s a Crucifix in front of it with some candles around it…my rosary usually sits there and I set up some Holy Cards around it. I have a place that I burn my incense there. It’s nice to pray and have it candle lit. My Bibles and Catechism sit above it on a shelf.
I have a crucifix, picture of Our Lady of Medjugorie and a candle. I take them where ever I can hide out in the morning and use the images to pray and the candle to illumine them. So technically I don’t have a corner or table but i do make my own every day! So I picked yes.
We have icons on the east wall of every room, except the kitchen and bathroom (I’m afraid the grease or steam would damage them there). We have a little wooden shelf under three of them, so we can put our little censer there if we choose to burn incense before that particular icon.

In the living room is an icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Not a “real” icon, though. I bought an 8.5 x 11 cardstock icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and decoupaged it to a wooden plaque I had painted with gold paint. I’ve glued little flatback rhinestones to all the gems in her crown, and in the crown of the Christ Child, to imitate the Russian style of embellishing icons with jewels.

The dining room has an icon of the Mystical Supper. Our bedroom has an icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, which was given to us by our priest when we were received into the Catholic Church and had our marriage sacramentalized. In the kids’ bedrooms I have little 3.5 x 5 icons that I made by decoupaging icon cards onto wood plaques.
I have in my bedroom a large drawing table (the kind used by architects that swivel) and have a satin blue table cloth covering it. I like to use this kind of table so I can read my spiritual books and Bible.

On the wall the table is placed up againt I hung up a large hand woven image of a Guardian Angel w/small children.

Upon the table I have an 8x10 icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, w/smaller sized statues of Our Lady of Fatima, the Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael and the Infant of Prague.

In front of the icon I have a candle holder that one can fill with water so that the tea-light candle I place in it will float and under the candle holder is a space where one can place a small incense burner as well.

That’s about it.

God bless all
Yes, I built a nice little prayer sanctuary… 🙂

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Hey WhiteDove…that’s just beautiful!

I have a night table piled high with books, including a bible, a rosary, pencils, paper etc…does this count? :confused:
Hey White Dove, I think your “corner” is just beautiful. Did you do it all yourself??
~ Kathy ~
We have a table in a corner of our living room. It’s actually an old bedside table that has a drawer and two shelves. We keep an assortment of Catholic books on the shelves and the drawer is full of cassette tapes I’ve gotten from Catholicity and other places. On the table itself we have a 24" statue of the Blessed Mother, two candles (those pillar kind in glass that you see in the Hispanic section of the grocery store) one with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and one with the Blessed Mother sending down the Miraculous Medal, the Bible, our rosaries, and a variety of prayer cards which I change occasionally. I also have some inexpensive pieces of material I bought off the remnant section in the sewing dept to match the litergical colors. This goes down first, obviously, and then everything sits on top. It’s really quite nice, if I do say so myself, and cost virtually nothing. The statue was the most expensive and I bought that on Ebay for $25.

God bless, Jen
We have a table and a large image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. that will enthroned on Friday. We also have a picture of our late daughter, candles, a statue of Our Lady of Grace and fresh flowers there.

I don’t know how often I will have fresh flowers, but I will strive for major Holy Days at the least.
Hey White Dove, I think your “corner” is just beautiful. Did you do it all yourself??
               ~ Kathy ~
Yes, I got the stones at the river. 🙂 It was a lot of work. 🙂
Awe was what i felt viewing White Doves pics. As for me, i believe that they need to have a candle, and i am terrified of fire. So, we do not have one right now…I’m working up the courage as my kids get older!
I have a night table piled high with books, including a bible, a rosary, pencils, paper etc…does this count? :confused:

Well, I guess it’s a beginning. . . of sorts. But why don’t you hang a cross or icon on the wall and start getting your act together, as it were? These things aren’t really necessary, I suppose, but they do help many to focus. And they do serve as a reminder.
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