Do you have a prayer corner or table at home?

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I am a scattered person, and I have a bible on every table. I have many sacramentals around and statues and candles. Now I feel like I should get it together and have a specific corner. It is beautiful.

I use the bedroom for my praying especially the rosary.
I have a picture of Mary and Jesus called Home Sweet Home.
Both of there Hearts are shown.

I try to concentrate in using the picture whilst praying.

I also have a picture of Jesus on the Cross before he was Crucified.

There is other religious pictures and icons throughout the house.

God Bless
Saint Andrew.
I voted “Other”, because while I don’t have a prayer space at this moment, it is in the works. Hubby is fixing up a basement bedroom for my daughter (her request!), because she is currently in the tiniest bedroom in the house. After she is all moved into her new room, we will use the little room for the computer/filing cabinet and I want the space near the window for a prayer corner.

Also, my son wants to work on the Boy Scout Woodwork badge this summer, where he has to make a project. I suggested he make me a prie deiu kneeler and showed him a picture of one. He looked at me kind of oddly when I suggested that, so I doubt it will happen! Maybe I can get hubby to do it!

But that’s what my dream prayer space looks like: The tiny room, a prie dieu (p.s. does anyone know the correct pronunciation for that?) by the window, with a little stained glass piece of Mary and Jesus, or some other religious picture, hanging in front of it, a small Bible and my Rosary in the shelf area of the prie dieu.
My prayer space is actually atop one of my bookcases in my bedroom upstairs. I have a wooden crucifix about 11 inches tall, a very beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima, rosaries, candles of Jesus and His Most Sacred Heart, candles of Our Lady of Guadaloupe, and a medal of St. Jude, given to me because of my service to the parish. I’m going to get a kneeler, but for now I just kneel in front of it. Each time that I walk past it during the day, I make the sign of the cross, and before I go downstairs to leave for the day, I say a prayer. I really feel the presence of our Lord and our Blessed Mother, and it helps to guide me in what I do, say, read, and watch on television. I couldn’t be without my prayer station because it sanctifies the entire house.
I don’t have a prayer space but my dinning room is full of my angels I also have my Sacred Heart of Jesus along with my Last Supper I also have rosaries all over my house with the hopes of starting a family rosary. That is my strongest desire.

God Bless
I have a little shrine I made out of an old wicker thing we got from my grandma that I covered with laminated pictures on posterboard of all things Catholic, I store most of my religious stuff there. It has some statues, candles, incense, and speakers run up through the back that play Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphany from a CD player in the cabinet beneath. And our palms from Palm Sunday. I’ll try to post some pictures, but they’re pretty big…so bear with me.

Here’s the first of a few:

I have some more coming…
The sides and back are covered with pictures and information too, its been a big project of mine, and one always in progress.

Here is the cabinet open, you can see my religious books inside, and the folder where I store holy cards and pamphlets and prayers and stuff, and the CD player and stuff:

The little books on top are mainly just little prayer books, though one is a small missal, one is St. Robert Bellarmine’s sermon “Hell and Its Torments”, and one is a book full of all sorts of different Novenas.

The dark blue book without a title on its spine beneath the Catechism is the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Sorry…those pictures will be up soon enough. Apparently I uploaded too much at once to my site, and so you cannot access the pictures I stored there:

“The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later.”

So please be patient and dont delete them or anything…if you are on between 1 and 2 in the morning…
To each and everyone of you who can openly deisplay your prayer corners, say a quick prayer of Thanksgiving to God. I too have a prayer corner, but I have to keep it hid. My anti-catholic husband “tolerates” me being catholic ( no more verbal abuse as I leave for and return from Mass) but I can not speak about the church at home nor display any “religious parafanalia” in the house. We have a small screened in room attached to our garage, in there is a bookshelf like thing that has doors in it. Inside those doors is my prayer corner. I think he knows it’s there but can’t see it.

I pray for the day that I can openly display my faith at home. I have a some wooded land behind my house, I would so much like to build myself a little prayer room or something, anything. But I’m thankful for what I have.

Now, at work, it’s another story. I have as much put up around my work station as I can squeeze onto the walls. Being in the military, I can get away with it. I just so thankful for my faith, I want everyone to know where I stand.
When you walk into my house through the front door, on the right I have a small oak book shelf. You’ll see a statue of Mary and you’ll also see a crucifix hanging on the wall over the book shelf.

In my bedroom I have a dresser that is more like a alter will candles, cross and other prayer cards.

In almost every room you’ll find Jesus, Mary and the Communion of Saints, Holy water and other sacramentals.

I have a woden “alter” that a friend of mine made way back when I was still in the Eastern Orthodox Church. It has a small flat “table” on top and below is a small area with doors to put prayer books, incense, oil, holy water etc.

I have had it with me for over ten years. It is in our new house in our St. Rita room.

Each room in our house is dedicated to a different saint. The kitchen is the St. Martha Room, duh. And the living room is the St. Mary room, duh again. My wife’s massage room is dedicated to both St. Benedict and St. Mother Teresa. The guest/computer/music/prayer room is dedicated to my patron and oh so awesome saint, St. Rita of Cascia. Our bedroom is dedicated to our other patrons, St. Francis and St. Clare.

We weren’t sure to whom we should dedicate the bathrooms. A deacon friend of mine who was a prison chaplain told me that a Muslim inmate once told him that Muslims don’t believe God is everywhere. Deacon was surprised by this and asked, “Then, where isn’t God?” The Muslim replied, “In the bathroom, because nasty things are done there.”

Muslim’s loss. I like a God who is everywhere, especially there.
I have a little table with crucifix, several icons,candles and my 3rd Order promise, and rosary beads.

On the lower shelf is several piles of Catholic prayer books, Bible catechists, lighters etc.
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