Do you know the date of your Christening?

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Perhaps if I had to write my baptism date in every form and application since first grade I would know it as well as my birthday.
Yes…I was born on December 8th and Baptized December 10th…in a little silk dress that my Mom made. My uncle was in the Army and stationed in Japan. He brought the silk material back for my mom after hearing that she was expecting “twins”! I still have the little dress…here it is…(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I know my baptismal date!
I was visiting church friends on Sunday and they did something delightful. They scattered photos of one of their kids all over the table, and had a big clear plastic covering like a table cloth to protect the photos. Fun to look at the photos of the family including back a few years to infancy.

Turns out that’s how they celebrated the baptismal day, and cake was involved. I was sold. lol

I have never heard of the Third Finding of the Head of
St. John the Baptist. What is that?!
The head was found a third time around the year 850 in the city of Komana, as seen in a vison by Patriarch Ignatius. It was transferred to Constantinople after that.
I have my baptismal certificate, but woul dhave to check the date. This conversation is making me want to know other sacramental dates (other than marriage, which of course I know). Will have to make a call to the parish where FHC and Confirmation occurred and see what I can find out…
I have my baptismal certificate, but woul dhave to check the date. This conversation is making me want to know other sacramental dates (other than marriage, which of course I know). Will have to make a call to the parish where FHC and Confirmation occurred and see what I can find out…
I recently got my certificate of Baptism. First Communion not listed. Not surprising, it’s not one that must be recorded although a lot of parishes record it. My present parishes records it but doesn’t include the info on the certificate of Baptism…

It showed I was confirmed at the age of 7, near the end of second grade. That jibes with my memory of my First Communion at the end of first grade and my memory of preparing for both with Sr. Marie-des-Lys.who was my teacher in both first & second grade.
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