Do you like us?

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I’m about as pro-American and conservative as you can get, but I was a little disgusted by a news report I watched on Fox this morning. They had a reporter in SE Asia asking a Muslim woman how she felt about the US. Is this happening on other news stations?

GIVE ME A BREAK!!! It’s not about us. I hope it is just the media establishment and politicians who think this way. Americans are donating because people are in need, and we have compassion for their plight. We gave aid to Iran after their earthquake for the same reason. Did that help Iran to like us more? NO!!! Does it matter? NO!!!

News “stories” like these and this comment from a Senator (CNN) are disappointing to say the least:
“Political opportunity” exists for the United States in how the country lets the Muslim world know “that our humanitarian instincts are across the board, that the whole world is our concern, not just the non-Muslim world, and that we view the Muslim world as an essential part of the whole world community,” said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.
We “let them know” by shutting up and being who we are!

Please pray for the victims and survivors of the Tsunami disaster.

God Bless,


PS Venting over…I feel better now and that’s what’s important 😛
Many in the mainstream media have been screaming from day 1 that Bush did act fast enough or pledge enough money in the beginning of this disaster. Their reasoning seems to be, the more money we give to Muslim countries in need, the more they will like us.

Then again, if Bush had come out day one and pledged $350 million plus troops - he would have been called for spending to rashly.

Darned if you do - Darned if you don’t!
It is not that they truly don’t like us…they don’t like the inaccurate and slandered image our own media and other foreign media outlets puts forth to the whole world…it is kind of like that quote by Fulton Sheen…I can’t remember it word for word, but it goes something like this : “Not 100 in the United States hate the Roman Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think the Roman Catholic Church is”…

The same is true with America and the view of the rest of the world…and it is all because of the media. It is sad that such a wonderful nation of loving, giving, and caring people has such a bad rep…but I don’t lose any sleep over it anymore.
I don’t lose any sleep over it anymore.
I don’t either…I vent to friends, family or on this forum and then sleep like a baby :sleep:

I agree with your analysis completely, and it’s not just our country. I worked in the UK for six months a few years ago. It was fun correcting their misunderstandings of Americans, and, of course, I learned a lot about them.

God Bless,

I don’t either…I vent to friends, family or on this forum and then sleep like a baby :sleep:
You must have good babies. Our boys never slept through the night until they stopped being babies and became “little boys” 😃

Seriously though, I think many people around the world admire and like the US, otherwise, why would so many sacrifice life and limb to come here?

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