Do you love your faith and are you thankful for it?

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Do you love your faith and are you thankful for it?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Thanks for posting this, Teresa9.

Yes, I love my faith more than I could ever put into words. I am so thankful for it that I know I can never ever be worthy of it. Sometimes I am quite overwhelmed. Sometimes I think I see way too much of my shortcomings and forget just how incredibly completely and perfectly God loves me.

Othertimes I take it for granted and I forget or get lazy about including God in my life as much as I can. I don’t know if this is normal for converts, or for all Catholics, but I would guess the latter?

It’s definitely not a free-ride in my book. I think you get (on God’s terms of course) what you put in and sometimes I think God must’ve thought I was someone else :o .

To condense my answer-- oops, too late:D :

“Lord I am not worthy to receive you but say the word and I shall be healed”

shannon e:
Thanks for posting this, Teresa9.

Yes, I love my faith more than I could ever put into words. I am so thankful for it that I know I can never ever be worthy of it. Sometimes I am quite overwhelmed. Sometimes I think I see way too much of my shortcomings and forget just how incredibly completely and perfectly God loves me.

Othertimes I take it for granted and I forget or get lazy about including God in my life as much as I can. I don’t know if this is normal for converts, or for all Catholics, but I would guess the latter?

It’s definitely not a free-ride in my book. I think you get (on God’s terms of course) what you put in and sometimes I think God must’ve thought I was someone else :o .

“Lord I am not worthy to receive you but say the word and I shall be healed”

How beautiful! I feel so much the way you do Shannon that it’s awesome…thanks for your response… God Bless You, Annunciata:)
Yes, Theresa9,

I do so love my Catholic faith. I was at early Mass this morning thinking just that. As I knelt there thanking God even before Mass for giving me this great, truly undeserved, gift, I could feel tears welling up.

It was only 7am and the church was pretty full. There were two cantors and an organist and soon they were filling the church with music as we rose to our feet. It was so early, most of the city still in bed, no doubt, and in this place I was singing with all my heart with a multitude of people, all there to thank and worship God. It’s been this way so many mornings of my entire life and I’m so grateful.

I take seriously the Fatima Angel’s prayer, "My God I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee; and I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.

At morning Mass, I truly feel like a weaned child upon its mother’s lap. Actually, I know this feeling, not because I remember how it felt to be a weaned child, but because those words from scripture come to mind often when I kneel preparing for Mass. I think then how easy it has been to bring myself to the altar each day.“I have stilled and quieted my soul like a weaned child; Like a weaned child on its mother’s lap, so is my soul within me.” Psalm 131:2

How beautiful! I feel so much the way you do Shannon that it’s awesome…thanks for your response… God Bless You, Annunciata:)
God Bless You, too, Annunciata!!
And huge blessings and congrats for your grandson and his Baptism. That is awesome!

Dear Joanna, Shannon and Annunciata:)

Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

I am very thankful for my faith.
Sometimes it is literally all I have.
When bad things happen at home, I talk to Mary.
When I see bad things in the world, I tell the Holy Spirit to help.
When the dorm girls taunt me, I ask Jesus to help me not take it to heart.
When I have to do something i don’t want or my classes are hard, I ask God to be all powerfu.
When nothing seems right I go to Mass, when everything is going good I go to Mass (and I usually go every day).
I voted other.

My choice of response would be more like,

“Yes, I love my faith and am thankful for it, and it mostly causes me alot of problems and I find it very hard.”

You know, I said to my brother once (a protestant) that if I had wanted it easy, I certainly wouldn’t have become a Catholic. I became a Catholic because I had to obey Jesus Christ. It was either that or walk away. And I couldn’t walk away.

Having said that, the Lord Jesus Christ gives us many consolations along the way. Sometimes the small things when I need them most move me more than the recognition of the big things. Perhaps that is just an indicator of human frailty.

Praise God that in Him and His Church there is everything I ever will need.
I am very thankful for my faith.
Sometimes it is literally all I have.
When bad things happen at home, I talk to Mary.
When I see bad things in the world, I tell the Holy Spirit to help.
When the dorm girls taunt me, I ask Jesus to help me not take it to heart.
When I have to do something i don’t want or my classes are hard, I ask God to be all powerfu.
When nothing seems right I go to Mass, when everything is going good I go to Mass (and I usually go every day).
Sometimes I wonder what happens when a pray in prayed. I can imagine an angel taking flight on a new mission.

I know all things, such as those you mentioned, when touched by prayer are changed and God is glorified. Only in heaven will we see the difference a habit of prayer has made. Then, too, we’ll get to know who prayed for us.:yup:

Les Richardson:
I voted other.

My choice of response would be more like,

“Yes, I love my faith and am thankful for it, and it mostly causes me alot of problems and I find it very hard.”
Dear Les

I love your ‘other’ answer, it is probably the most honest and specific answer. I should have included that but I wanted to see what people truly felt and thought about their journey in faith and how it affects them and those around them. I didn’t want to put words ‘totally’ in others mouths.

That is a beautiful answer you gave Les

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Yes I love my faith. Just think if we all just had the faith the size of a mustard seed ,we could move all the mountains that are put in front of us. Without faith my prayer life would be powerless. . Thankful? There are not words that I could express my thankfulness, but ,. Thank you Jesus, will do for now… God Bless 👍
teresa9, i love your heart 🙂

i would have chosen all three - i adore my faith, it is a gift that brings me comfort and is also can cause problems and be very difficult (i.e., the narrow way when the broad way is seemingly so much easier…)

my faith has carried me through so many hard times, even when i didn’t feel like God was with me, He was the one in the middle of it, holding it all together. it’s brought me closer to Him than i can imagine, and i still at times feel so far off.

it’s ongoing, it’s a dialogue. it’s a comfort, it’s difficult. but He is the way, the truth and the life.

i wouldn’t want it any other way. (was that non-specific enough??)
I love my faith and like most, I cannot express this is words. Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, I have found peace amidst my darkest year ever.

And I believe for the first time inmy life, I have honestly turned over all worries and placed all my trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. WHAT A STRESS RELIEVER!

We are blessed for this gift.
Dear friends

Meggie, Spokenword, Martha Martha and Jrabs, Beautiful, simply beautiful

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friends

I didn’t always love my faith nor did I always appreciate it in the past. But as I have matured as a person and spiritually, I love my faith, appreciate it and am extremely thankful for it.

I often think of people in countries that are not allowed to practice Christianity and are murdered (presently and in the past) if they do. I remind myself regularly how lucky and blessed I am to be able to practice my faith and receive the Eucharist and celebrate Holy Mass and give thanks to God for that.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

In addition to my newly ignited love for my faith and Our Lord, I also have a newly created pasion for praying for conversions. I am saddened that some of the people I love dearly do not know Jesus and have o need for Him.
I came back to the Church after a long absence…I fell in love all over agian, but this time it’s different, i no long take for granted what I had before…my love for my Catholic faith keeps getting stronger day by day.
Some times I just want to tell the people around me …Hey, isn’t it great to have the Lord in your life…don’t you just love going to Mass?
but then…what would they think? another Jesus freak?
I love comming to this forum where I have the freedom to express my feeling. I’m glad most of my Catholic sisters and brothers agree and share this same feeling.
This is a prayer I say almost daily:

Lord Jesus Christ
I am sorry for my sins
I turn away from my sins, and I ask you to forgive me
Come into my heart, take control of my life
Be my Lord, my God and my Savior
Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might serve you all the days of my life
I love you Lord Jesus and I give you my life forever.
I came back to the Church after a long absence…I fell in love all over agian, but this time it’s different, i no long take for granted what I had before…my love for my Catholic faith keeps getting stronger day by day.
Some times I just want to tell the people around me …Hey, isn’t it great to have the Lord in your life…don’t you just love going to Mass?
but then…what would they think? another Jesus freak?
I love comming to this forum where I have the freedom to express my feeling. I’m glad most of my Catholic sisters and brothers agree and share this same feeling.
This is a prayer I say almost daily:

Lord Jesus Christ
I am sorry for my sins
I turn away from my sins, and I ask you to forgive me
Come into my heart, take control of my life
Be my Lord, my God and my Savior
Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might serve you all the days of my life
I love you Lord Jesus and I give you my life forever.
Why arent you shouting from the rooftops? 😃 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Less that 2% of all christians evangelize. Where are the other 98%? We like to keep Jesus under the bushel. Jesus said we are to be the light of the world. Are we? It is our call. Just think if every christian brought one person to Jesus, It would change the world. God Bless you and spread the FIRE.that is within you. 👍
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As I grow older, I realize how priviledged I am to have been born into this Faith. The Catholic Church satisfies all of my spiritual needs. We have everything we need.

I want to share somethng: I’m getting ready for retirement and have been agonizing about whether to relocate near the Ocean or stay in my hometown. Last evening I said the rosary and meditated on the glorious mysteries with Mother Angelica, and asked Mary for an answer to my dilema. Immediately, after the rosary, I switched the channel and another minister was on and he said “Blossom where you are planted.” I feel that that was a message to me from Mary to stay where I am now (and I will).

God bless,
One thing that has really struck me in recent years. God often scourges those he loves. And it can be painful. But this is what all fathers do. I have looked back at my time in the faith, and I truly see that God has treated me like a son. I am a son of God. And He has given me Mary to be my mother. I see their influence in my life so clearly. In the good times , and the hardships. They are not like us humans, who can be your best friend one minute, and turn on you the next. They are always there, and alway do whatever their children need. We have received so many other blessings from God. The Church, Pope, sacraments etc. That I imagine, if we could fully appreciate it- we would be so totally blown away at the great mercy and love of God.
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