Do you really love God more than your comfort zone?

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I think my faith is very first world, middle class comfortable. Weak in fact. I don’t want to work or even live in a poverty-stricken country.
I love driving my newish Toyota, the feeling of comfort and luxury.
I love living in my comfortable, with all the mod cons, home. Switch on the air con, whether it is hot or cold. Never suffer much from extreme temps.Pop some painkillers when the body starts complaining.
Eat when I’m hungry and that will mean snacking lots. The bread of Life for me is still real bread. I love bread. How often do I seek the spiritual bread of life by reading the Bible?
I think avoiding pain has become my life mantra, rather than living life to the full. Low risk means safer. Never liked the roller coaster philosophy of life. I can do without the highs, as long as I don’t get any lows.
I am afraid I’m overdue. God has me booked for pain and suffering big time. In order to wake me up. To get me out of my comfort zone. 🙂
Tobit 13:6
If you turn to him with all your heart and with all your soul, to do what is true before him, then he will turn to you and will no longer hide his face from you. So now see what he has done for you; acknowledge him at the top of your voice. Bless the Lord of righteousness, and exalt the King of the ages.
Working in Africa as a vulunteer with the missionaries
when I was in my 20’s fixed that for me.
I was in total a year there,living in poorer conditions and just my suitcase and my wits to show for myself .
I apreciate everything I have with a kind of wonder,but know I can part from it in an instant.
Perhaps you can go and do some hands on volunteering in your area. :+1:t4:
I could if I have to …every time I pack the car with insurance papers and practicalities in case a grassfire comes on high fire risk days I think about this.Or if I were to move overseas.
Watching my parents as they age ,putting out things they don’t need for the next journey…things given away of sentimental value also brings this home.
I never was materialistic …but I thank my parents for teaching me that.
God: OK Joey get off your butt and start volunteering 7 days a week to show me how much you love me. 🙂
I’d say this could be prime time to actively start help others more 🙂 You’ve got your life in order pretty much ,so you’ll be on firm ground to help others .God bless 🙂
You know God, if you give me your telephone number, I’ll get back to you on that. (P.S. I’ll call collect!)
You’ve got your life in order pretty much
I’m glad I gave that impression. 🙂 I wont mention the mental health issues nor the checkered career which is currently got me working for a pittance. But then you could say I use these as excuses.
We are in God’s hands. If you worry you could lose everything, work harder to put your entire person in God’s hands
There’s one question I’d ask you and myself, our good and beautiful Greenfields…for ourselves we would do with little,
but how readily where it concerns our children’s serious needs?
The time I wish we weren’t just holding our heads above water financially, is where the children need help, and where people are in desperate need, and where people come to this forum on the edge of a financial precipice, because of illness/unemployment.
I feel desperation at times that I can’t help where it’s really needed.
At those times I’d be happy to be rich so I could give to those in real need.
I can hardly bear the feeling of helplessness to alleviate their situations.

(In this context, what do you think?)

So I just pray, as the rest of us unofficial prayer warriors do.
You have a lot going on in your original post. I started trying to unpack it, but there’s too much there.

Why not just think each day about what sacrifice, however small, you can give to God?
Go without that snack.
Make one donation to charity.
Try to help somebody else, even if it’s just being kind to someone you meet and telling them “Hello” rather than going out and giving 2 hours of volunteer time (which can be hard to do for a variety of bureaucratic reasons).

And of course you can always make time to read the Bible and pray for a half hour or an hour. Poor or rich, we can always, always do that. If I wake up at 2 am in a strange town, I’m not going to be able to go out and volunteer anywhere, but I can pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. They’re always there and always need prayers. Or I can just pray to give honor to God, make reparation to Jesus or Mary. This also helps with anxiety.

I find that when I sit around contemplating the grand economic scheme of things it becomes too difficult for me, very quickly. Not thinking too far ahead and trying to just do some little thing in the moment works much better. Ask God to guide you.
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