Do you respect the Jewish Faith?

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Almost all have said they have respect for the Jewish faith.

Some said they “feel” half jewish since Jesus was a Jew.

Something is a bit “out of kilter here”. Could it be the language or choice of words? I , of course would not speak ill of a Jewish Temple or the fervent worshipers there.

When one says they respect the Jewish faith THEY ARE NOT SAYING they would go to the Jewish Temple and worship with them. There is a great difference.

Let’s not allow the average reader to think by reading this thread that we Catholics think of the Jewish religion as an equal to Catholocism. Remember the Jews are denying that Jesus is their Massiah. Right up until today. I’ve had more than one Jew tell me that. They must think we are fools.
Remember the Jews are denying that Jesus is their Massiah. Right up until today. I’ve had more than one Jew tell me that. They must think we are fools.
No, just misguided. We don’t think you’re doomed though, no reason people like Christians and Moslems cannot have hope for the World To Come.
If you don’t respect the Jewish Faith how in the world can you respect Christ? If you don’t respect Christ you are not Christian. I believe everything the Jews believe and more.
**General reminder:

Please be aware that charitableness toward non-Catholic and non-Christian faiths is expected and will be rigorously enforced. If this discussion veers into anti-Judaism and/or anti-Semitism, the thread will be deleted.**
No, just misguided. We don’t think you’re doomed though, no reason people like Christians and Moslems cannot have hope for the World To Come.
This may be a bit off topic, but I had a reformed Jewish friend tell me that they did not believe in an afterlife. Apparently you do. Can you enlighten me as to the Jewish belief in an afterlife? Thank you.
Jesus’ love for his people is so great that he gave us the most beautiful gift anyone could wish for (after the gift of himself of course), he made sure we all can have a Jewish mother.
How could I not respect the roots of my faith??? I have a Jewish mother (Mary) and a Jewish savior! I also have a very high respect for Jewish converts to Catholocism, and I like the fact that they can become Catholic without losing their Jewish heritage. They can still practice passover, it is just completed. I find it hard to believe that God does not love His Jewish children, although I believe He desires us all to know and love His Son. Those who do not understand the Jewish roots of Christianity cannot possibly fully understand Christianity itself
I have the utmost respect for the Jewish people. I have many dear friends who are devout Jews.
A few years ago I did a lot of research into the ‘Jewish roots’ of Catholicism…very interesting and enlightening…we should all do such a search to better appreciate the Catholic Faith!🙂
As Pope Pius XII says we (Catholics) are all spiritual semites. WE inherited our faith from them.

I deeply respect the Jewish faith and its adherents. However, I don’t agree with all the policies of the secular state of Israel. Nor do I disdain them for trying to protect themselves from terrorism. I think they should we say a little more nuanced on how they treat other human beings who might be in the line of fire between them and the terrorist.
When I espouse this view to many evangeliclas and fundies they just go nuts they think I am anti-semtic or something. Becuase of their warped view of the rapture and the millinium and the secular state of Israel as being the fullfillment of all NT prophecy they have become neo-zionist for all the wrong reasons. Somehow they think If Israel conquers than Jesus conquers. But Israel is a secular country with 85 percent of its people not practicing the faith. I don’t see how all this millinarism is fullfilled in a secualr state as Saint Paul says being a true Jew is one who obeys the Law I think that would included Jews who obery their relgion the best they know how and Christians who do the same not a secualr state and how it fights its wars.
Jesus was a Jew!

So, do I respect Jews? Do I repect Jesus?

I LOVE JEWS! So does God!

Now if we just bring them all home to Christ’s Catholic Church.

God loves all His children and Jesus came to save us all, protestant, Jewish, Catholic, etc…


The Jewish religion is how old and how many times have they split? How many Jewish religions are there today? Were/are they loyal to the original covenant they formed with God?

Now ponder this, how many protestant sects are there today? Which one is right? Only 1 at best can be right and all the rest are wrong. How many schisims have the protestants had? Can you even keep tract of the new sects and ‘new’ teachings? How many new protestant sects were formed today, oh lets say before 4:53 pm Central Standard time.

There is still only one Catholic Church. True it has several patriarchs but it is never the less one Church in Christ teaching and following His Gospel, His Word.
👋 I respect the Jewish faith so much that I converted to Judaism through the Conservative Judaism Movement! I was Roman Catholic.

Our elder brothers are God’s Chosen People. They were set aside by God to bring light to the Gentiles, to bring us the Messiah, and therefore to redeem the world. I love the Jews so much that I have become Catholic to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Remember, the Jews are the ONLY other religion in the world that is a genuine response to God’s call. It is the ONLY other true faith! While I believe that its modern form is “incomplete” because I believe Jesus is their, and our, Messiah and therefore represents the fullness of their Covenant, I do not deny the truth of their faith. It is real, the Hebrew Covenant is real, and it is irrevocable. Thank God the Messiah has allowed us Gentiles to enter into it!
Bat-Ami said:
👋 I respect the Jewish faith so much that I converted to Judaism through the Conservative Judaism Movement! I was Roman Catholic.


When a person converts to Judaism from RC, does that mean he has to reject JC as the Saviour? Or does he simply take another view of JC?
Well, the founder of our Faith, His twelve Apostles, and His seventy-two desciples, and most believers for nearly the first 100 years were all Jewish! You expected something else?
I was recently told off by some fundy that the Jewish religion is a crime against Christianity, because they don’t accept Jesus as their lord and savior. I told him that I have a GREAT respect fo tthe Jewish religion because the Jewish Religion is the roots for Chirstianity, and that they were Gods choosen people. I respect them MORE than some Protestant denomination. So my question is, do you Respect the Jewish Religion?
Well if I didn’t I would have a great many problems explaining it to St. Anne, St. Zachary, and St. Joseph. 😛
You might have some problems explaining it to Mary and Peter and the rest of the apostles. You would have a big problem explaining it to Christ himself too.
I most certainly respect the Jewish people and a big supporter of the jewish state, (seeing as there isnt a Latin kingdom there, they are the next best thing). But I also pray that God remove the viel from their hearts and God’s ancient chosen people may be brought into the fold of his new covenant.
When one says they respect the Jewish faith THEY ARE NOT SAYING they would go to the Jewish Temple and worship with them.
I, for one, would have no problem worshipping with Jews. Nor would I have a problem worshipping with Roman Catholics, or Hindus, or those of any honest faith, if they will have me in their place of worship.
I will worship with Jews, but I will not worship with any other non-Christian group, even Muslims. When Jews pray, they are praying our very same prayers (often literally), and they are praying to the same God that the Apostles prayed to with Jesus. If the Apostles worshipped as and with Jews, then who am I to call myself better?

Hinduism and other pagan faiths are in a completely different category. I might pray next to them, but I will never pray with them.
I have great love for the Jewish faith and the Jewish people, for many varied reasons. I’ll try to explain at least one of them, difficult though that is.

Aside from Catholics and Orthodox (meaning all those affiliated with ancient Christianity), Judaism is the only other faith I have seen that has such a connection with a history from which our faith was sprung. They live their faith and their history in a way that I never experienced in other religious services I have attended.

Attending a Shabbat service was moving, because I could feel the weight of all the years roll away and imagine that I was hearing the same things that Christ and the apostles heard. The same things that were heard and felt throughout the history of the Lord’s people, before the birth of Christ. It was the same feeling I get when I attend Mass, or hear parts of the Greek or other Eastern liturgies. Not to mention the occasional Latin mass. 😃

Not really sure this came across the way I mean it, but I hope it did. There is just such “ancientness” to their worship and way of life, and it is a living bridge to the way our Lord must have lived.
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