Do you support imposing your belief system on non-believers?

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I think we should “impose” our beliefs on other people so that we can help them get to heaven. Think about all the missionaries and saints who convert people to Catholicism. Don’t you think “imposing” their beliefs is worth it if they help people get to heaven?
They didn’t impose their beliefs.
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I’m trying to have a better spiritual life so my prayers will work better like Saint Monica.
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The problem is, one of these is “recognized” by a legal contract, and is a Sacrament that is being mocked.
You misunderstood my (rhetorical) question. There is no difficulty in opposing the two issues raised. The suggestion that SSM could be made illegal but not premarital sex is a false dichotomy.
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You misunderstood my (rhetorical) question. There is no difficulty in opposing the two issues raised. The suggestion that SSM could be made illegal but not premarital sex is a false dichotomy.
Apparently I did.
I do oppose both issues.
Both being made illegal is a theoretically (rhetorically?) false dichotomy, ok. But, in the world of legislating such things, I think not so much false. But, just my $0.02.
Peace, and Joy of The Lord is our Strength be with you to overflowing.
Do these studies take in to consideration the psychology of ‘denial.’
Whereby as Believers in Jesus Beloved Savior, The Way, The Truth, and The Life;
we know that objectively speaking intrinsic evil causes disharmony in a person.
Therefore, a child raised in an intrinsically evil home, having affinity for their parents
will have subjective reporting on their own well being.
The way the question is framed; ‘imposed’ doesn’t take into account our GOD given duty to protect our children and impressionable from anti-(Nature’s Law, by Nature’s GOD, Creator -terminology ref. Dec. of Independence. Whereby, we have Creator given self evident rights - Life, whereby liberty should not impose destruction of helpless children for example, nor our children & impressionable being force fed emotionally charges playing at the heart seemingly logical justifications; and of course, pursuit of happiness only objectively comes from Creator and should never impose a widespread biased atmosphere assault on consciences to be seduced into grave moral evil.
What caused our Nation to change so drastically in a few decades into such a loss of the sense of The Sacred and common moral decency as ideals to pursue for the health of children, family the fundamental building block of every venue in society?
A careful reading of Jude’s letter in Holy Scripture, tells us that an immoral atmosphere, and the falsity of leading or keeping it - is the basic cause of strife and divisiveness. Abrasive speech, and flawed public figures who set policies to help the laws and practices to form a more ideal climate for our children & impressionable are problematic because while ‘political correctness’ could mean Godly charitable congeniality; it is well known, it is often used for an agenda of ‘Gas Lighting-discrediting’ those who propose an agenda contrary to someone’s sometimes immoral one. And the bias with a multilateral approach to impose a radical secularist moral relativist culture of death on the world is extreme to say the least. One of their techniques is Social Constructionist which many times asserts that facts come from societal assertions - an extremely dangerous form of relativism. The poor suffering youth and impressionable who have been suffering these things more and more for decades. As a well informed Judaeo-Christian family member of ‘We The People,’ it is my God given duty to help return to closer to the ideals of the Promissory Covenant;
The Creeds, Preamble, and Bill of Rights made to us. Complacent in this; aids and abets quenching of The Holy Spirit. " Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil." - 1 Thess. 5:19-22
Extremely apropos as trends can be very dangerous to well being.
“[Truth is eternal]
This dethronement of truth includes several grave errors. First,
there is the error of replacing the never superannuated and noble
impact of truth, especially of fundamental metaphysical and religious
truth, with the short-lived sociological efficacy and the historical
fashionableness of an idea.
The eternal, unchanging nobility and attraction ot truth, oi
which St. Augustine says, “Quod desiderat anima fortius quam
veritatem?” What does our soul desire mote than truth?), is no
longer understood. It has been forgotten that compared with this
intrinsic Life of truth, the mere sociological reality of an idea is a
one -day fly, an ephemeral being destined to be replaced by other
ideas, other currents and attitudes, after a longer or shorter passage of time.” - ref. “Trojan Horse in The City of God: The Catholic Crisis Explained”, (1993, Printing) by Dietrich von Hildebrand, authorized by Alice von Hildebrand with a forward by John Cardinal O’Connor.; pp 102.
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Peace, and Joy of The Lord is our Strength be with you to overflowing.
Do these studies take in to consideration the psychology of ‘denial.’
Could you use the quote feature on your posts, Isaiah. I’m not sure to what this refers.
The ‘studies’ referred to in quotes in your comment, to which I replied.
I was inquiring if they took into to account certain true factors common to humanity.
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The ‘studies’ referred to in quotes in your comment, to which I replied.
I was inquiring if they took into to account certain true factors common to humanity.
Sorry. I’m not sure what studies you refer to. You mean the quotes in your two posts starting with: ‘The way the question is framed; ‘imposed’ doesn’t take into account our GOD given duty to protect our children…’?
I was weighing bounding imposing Jesus Christ given objective belief system,
as opposed to those imposing against The Creeds of our Land with great attacks on freedom of conscience, free speech, an impartial free press; in the wide spread multilateral imposing radical secular humanist moral relativism culture of death.
There are dire straits reasons for Believers concerned for those in this life and the next to assert resolutely to the return to laws and practices reflecting much more Believes sense of The Sacred and common moral and other decency. And our freedom to do so by the biased climate in educational venues, media venues, political faction venues, arts & entertainment venues - by harsh peer pressure, loss of income, fighting for Freedom guaranteed by our Creeds, in court with great harsh realities on family and immense loss of income for family needs plus high legal costs. Only God knows the totality of the pain on our society due to these impositions opposed to the Creeds of our Land.
Peace. I need to bow out gracefully. I’m exhausted, and have been working many hours. I hope the food for carefully discerned thought helps.
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Both being made illegal is a theoretically
The illegality of SSM was never an issue - rather it was a contradiction in terms. Eg, there is not a question of illegality for a 22 year old to receive an “old age pension” in countries where such things exist. It’s simply not an available option when one is 22 years old.

Premarital sex (consenting adults) is a personal choice. There is no law involved - not by way of endorsement nor prohibition, though one can imagine a prohibition in a state dominated by a religious cult.

So while the law has chosen to endorse SSM, had it not done so in no way implies it should prohibit pre-marital sex. The nexus the other poster attempted to draw is simply nonsense.
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A new scientific breakthrough is usually what prompts a change in definition.
But you COULD do that. Discrimination is legal as long as you are making a personal decision.
If you know that the owner of a store is black, or Asian, or white, or what have you - you have the right (as perverse as your reasoning may be) to not do business with that store.
nobody is talking “you”

however, you didn’t answer the question.

could swiss air refuse to do business with a company owned by a person of color based solely on the skin color?
For example, do you oppose same-sex marriage? If so, would you also support banning premarital sex under penalty of law?
Said / asked, a bit differently,

We can’t as Catholics, if we have the power to pass laws that contradict our faith, then vote to contradict our faith in the polling booth.

Same is true

if a Catholic is a Senator or House of Representative member, can THEY work to pass laws that violate our faith without huge consequences to their soul…
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Yea, but its also true that the legalisation of prostitution brings more underground prostitution.
Legalisation of drugs brings black market of all kinds of dealers and so on.
The natural moral laws are universal, therefore social evils, even being legalised are still social evils.
But it’s always been like this.
except it isn’t a company choice anymore, they are being shamed into the act. swiss air used the company until the shaming.

and they are blatant about the reason, being Christian and holding beliefs different than the agenda.

the non-believers are imposing their beliefs on us