Do you think college should be free?
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Or if it felt like a choice more than a requirement.I also think that people value education more if it costs money
For my last degree:Let me start be admitting that I’m a geezer. I was a member of the first freshman class at Cleveland State University in 1965. Tuition was $495 for the year [$165 per quarter, or $11 per credit hour]. Books [ new books] cost approximately $50-55 per quarter. One 1965 dollar is now worth about eight dollars…do the math. College was affordable then, and if it’s cost merely kept pace with inflation, it would still be affordable.
I’m a few years behind you but when I started at a state-supported University, tuition was $24 per credit hour (my older siblings thought that was outrageous - they paid $12 per hour at a state teachers college).Let me start be admitting that I’m a geezer. I was a member of the first freshman class at Cleveland State University in 1965. Tuition was $495 for the year [$165 per quarter, or $11 per credit hour]. Books [ new books] cost approximately $50-55 per quarter. One 1965 dollar is now worth about eight dollars…do the math. College was affordable then, and if it’s cost merely kept pace with inflation, it would still be affordable.
[Cleveland State now charges $409.55 per credit hour.]
Should college be free? No, but when tuition increases at a rate more than five times that of inflation, something is wrong…