No, it should not be free. However the cost should come down to reality. Also student loans need to be capped. Many students are graduating with more than $100,000 in student debt, but their degree really only cost $50,000. They borrow like they don’t have to pay it back. No one tells them they will struggle with that debt for many years, that it can effect their ability to buy a home or even possibly a new car.
When I went to college I went using some scholarship money, I did work study, I worked part time, and for what was left I borrowed. When I graduated I had $10,000 in debt and I was so worried about how I was going to pay that back. I did pay it back and own my education free & clear. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to add a zero to that number.
I did borrow with paying it back in mind. I set a goal to complete 4 years of education in 3, which I did, and I only borrowed for tuition, books, or fees. I worked weekends, 32 hours, and had my work study job, to support myself and my kids while going to school. We lived poor, qualified for housing assistance, food stamps, and medicaid for my kids. I was willing to be humble in order to get my education. In the 25 years since I’ve graduated I have long since paid back in taxes any assistance I received and I value that piece of paper very much. Had it not cost me, if I had not had to work for it, it wouldn’t mean as much.
No college shouldn’t be free, it should cost something to go.
The expectation that all kids have to go to college needs to be looked at also. There are many trades that make good money that do not require a college degree.