Do you know what is tied to low achievement? Start with absenteeism. Check the schools districts with the worst-performing students, and the chances are that the students are skipping a lot of school and have chaotic home lives. Teachers cannot teach students who aren’t there or who aren’t all there.Beggingthe questionyour pardon, but I wouldn’t presume to think that American public schools are creating a literate and educated populace. 40% of the seniors at my local high school aren’t grade level proficient in math, English and science, and I live in an affluent area of the country. In other well off areas it’s 60%. These are schools that were highly rated just 10 years ago. They aren’t serving the purpose for which they supposedly exist for nearly half the students. I’m not sure how we can justify taxing the homeowners for results this atrocious.
Seeing how much time is spent trying to acculturate the students to the new, highly “liberal” “norm” and the avalanche of ESL students being mixed with students who speak English fluently, it doesn’t seem to me that education is the priority.
Education of the young is paramount; that includes their religious instruction, which public schools should not provide considering their secular origin, but they excel at providing the secular “theology” whether the parents wish it or not; education, not so much. Secular public education is not a good model nor is it a mandatory model to follow to educate the poor. Moreover, it is not used only to merely ensure even the poorest among us is able to receive a minimum of education, unless we are going to call all but those who can afford private schools poor. There may be an argument for that, but…
Try students who come to school expecting to be stimulated or entertained, who have had their attention span stunted with excessive screen time. Try students whose ONLY language is English who do no reading outside of school time, who aren’t read to as small children. There are too many parents who send their children to public school expecting that an education degree confers the ability to pour an education into the child’s left ear. While they are running around. Don’t blame all of that on how much time teachers have to plug their personal views of the world into students. Private schools start with the advantage that it takes a plugged-in parent to get the student in the door and any student can be shown the door if they’re dragging everyone else down. That is an extremely large advantage.
If you are only saying that our K-12 public schools are in a state that some subsidy of higher education is all we can afford, I can buy that. If you’re saying that our society would be better-served by finding ways to improve quality and job preparation at the K-12 level, I can buy that. I don’t buy that the problem of secular values is why the schools have ill-educated graduates. No, the K-12 school districts with the most college-educated parents figure out how to do the best by about every metric, and that isn’t because they’re all religious or because they don’t have liberal ideals in their curricula.
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